Use Your Strengths to Boost Your Personal Productivity
By avoiding the use skill sets you do not have and simply focusing on your strengths you can easily improve your personal performance. Much time and productivity can be wasted by continuously interrupting your progress when attempting to master 'new' skills. Read more to see how sticking with what you know can help decrease errors and frustrations and help increase your personal productivity.
Most everybody has an interest towards increasing their own personal productivity. The motivations here may differ due to varying reasons such as performance incentives at work or possibly even plain old pride. The fact is that each of us would like to be able to increase our personal performance by getting more out of our efforts. What often limits or inhibits many of us from doing so however is the time we waste trying to 'master' skill sets we do not tend to have. Although it is always a good idea to learn new things it is NOT always wise to ignore or under utilize what we do best. In an effort to boost our own performance level it therefore makes sense to place more emphasis on any skill sets we do have.
Here are 3 reasons WHY it is best for anybody looking to increase productivity to AVOID their weaknesses and pursue their strengths.
Progress Comes Quicker
By focusing on your strengths you will be in your comfort zone and be able to be making continual progress. In this way most all your efforts will be constructive and will keep you moving in the right direction.
Trying to do everything yourself especially when it involves some things that require you to stop what you are doing in order to develop a new skill is inefficient. Sure it would be nice to 'know everything' but the constant disruptions you encounter by stopping to learn a new skill offset the benefits you may gain. This is not the way to increase productivity but it will help to increase your frustration so if frustration is what you want you will be successful.
Always Moving Forward
And speaking of frustration once that starts to set in than errors begin to multiple leading to a loss of time and progress since these errors will need to be fixed. This is a bad cycle to be caught up in and can easily have you going in a direction that you did not originally intend.
On the other hand by emphasizing your strengths you are less likely to make mistakes or experience disruptions. This results in the continual progress that will propel you forward and closer to your goals. Every effort is more likely to be constructive in nature and the more these efforts are repeated the more you improve you own personal performance as well. Remember practice makes perfect!
Momentum Develops
By making continual progress it is much easier to build up your momentum which increases your motivation resulting in a greater output. The more you focus on the skill sets you do have the more you improve your personal performance which helps increase productivity. This is the type of cycle you want to create and get caught up in since momentum is the key to any accomplishments of significance.
For anybody with an interest in boosting their own personal productivity it always makes sense to do what you do best. By utilizing the skill sets you are proficient at you will not only improve your personal performance but also experience progress more rapidly. The 3 reasons cited above demonstrate how progress and success can be achieved by allowing your strengths to compensate for your weaknesses. Go with what you do know or can do and leave the rest for somebody else to manage.