About Astrology, the Science of Time, an indicative science which indicates events happening in the Four Dimensional Space-Time Continuum, the Eternal Continuum in which we exist, live and breathe.
This science of the Heavens was called by the Germans as Cosmo-Biology. To them,

Cosmo-Biology was the calculus of cosmic interrelatedness. It simply means the celestial influences on terrestrial affairs as per the principle " As Above, so below ". The role of Mercury in Horoscopy Academic knowledge and degrees are the prerogative of Mercury. Books, publishing,knowledge,mathematics,sculpture & arts all come under his domain. If he be exalted in one's horoscope, the native will become a great scholar. ( Example horoscope is that of Augustus Caesar who had exalted Mercury in Virgo ). Mercurial Effects in the 12 Houses Mercury in the Ascendant Mercury in the Ascendant makes one a scholar.Will be intelligent and clever. Will be a master of arts. Will have good oratorial prowess and can captivate people with speech. This position of Mercury confers high longevity. Mercury in the Second House In the second Mercury makes one wealthy and humble. Will be versatile and will posess the divine gift of articulate speech. Will have poetic faculties and will have wealth acquired through legal means. Mercury in the Third House Mercury in the 3rd makes one have medium longevity & virility. Will have to undergo many a suffering. Will be a traveller and will be ready to do any vile act. Will be a sorcerer and will enjoy sensual life to the brim. Mercury in the Fourth House Mercury tenancy of the fourth makes one a scholar in Mathematics and Astrology. Relatives may be hostile. Will speak gently and will be wealthy. Will be he owner of landed properties & conveyances. Fame will grace you in no uncertain measure. Mercury in the Fifth House Will be famous and will be a master of the occult. Will have a lot of sons, education, wealth, comforts, intelligence & contentment. Will be famous because of your altruistic deeds. Mercury in the Sixth House Mercury in the sixth makes you the vanquisher of enemies in the battlefield. Will be interested in war and quarrels. Will be anger- prone. Will talk sternly and will be lazy. Mercury in the Seventh House Will be a lover of education, will be learned and handsome. Will have a spouse who is quarrelsome. Will have expertise in the esoteric arts. Will be respected for certain philosophic qualities. Mercury in the Eighth House This benign position of Mercury makes one famous. Has a job with punitive powers.Will have a regal status. Will be a commander and will be the leader of one's community. Will be versatile with wealth and comforts. Will be regal in bearing and respected by many. Benefics in the house of longevity increase longevity. Mercury in the Ninth House Mercury in Ninth makes one interested in the esoteric arts. Wealth, versatility, righteousness,ethics,skill - all will be yours Will be liberal and endowed with the gift of the gab.Will have fortune via father and with good partner and children. Mercury in the Tenth House This benign position of Mercury makes one scholarly, famous, and will have tremendous will power. Will have wealth & all sorts of comforts. The dominance of Mercury on the Meridien makes one a thorough professioanl endowed with professional expertise and reputation. Mercury in the Eleventh House Will be very intelligent. Will be scholarly as Mercury represents academic learning. Will have high longevity. Will have all sorts of enjoyments of the senses.Will have a lot of subordinates and lots of wealth as the 11th is the house of Gains. Mercury in the Twelfth House Will be lazy and as a result there may be a lack of wealth.Will meet with many a failure. Will speak good words but will be devoid of luck in general. Even though this position of Mercury is slightly adverse, it is good from the perspective of Education. You will be blessed with all the benefits that accrue from Education, learning & Wisdom. More quality information about Vedic Astrology & an Astrological Analysis can be had from
http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/vedichoroscope.htm Correspondence between Astrology, Gemology & Numerology Furthur data reveals the correspondence between the Five Great Elements, planets, gemstones, Cosmic Colors & objects of sense. Element Planet Gem Cosmic Colour Sense Number Ether Jupiter Yellow Sapphire Light Blue Sound 3 Air Saturn Blue Sapphire Violet Touch 8 Fire Mars Coral Yellow Vision 9 Water Venus Diamond Indigo Taste 6 Earth Mercury Emerald Green Smell 5 More information about Planetary Gemology & a FREE Gem Prescription Report can be had from
http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/planetarygemology.htm Another school of Numerology existed which was based on the Vital Number. This Vital Number was represented by a key Planet and this planet was the planet of Destiny. More quality information about Astro-Numerology and a free Astro- Numerological Report can be had from
http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/numerology.htm Astrology, Prakriti Therapy ( Naturopathy ) & Holistic Medicine In the Holistic Model, the cause of any disease is understood in terms of the whole person and not in terms of a particular organ or tissue. As Sir William Osler put it, it is more import to know the patient who has the disease than the disease of the patient. The one person who knows about the patient more than anybody else is the patient himself. Peter and Elizabeth Allbright in Body Mind & Spirit state that " responsibility for healthcare rests in the patient's hands because that is where the knowledge & control of the variables lie ( diet,stress,exercise,genetics,emotion,medication) ". " Food is medicine; Medicine is food " said Hippocrates and Upanishads declare that " Food is Brahman. Food was verily born before all creatures: therefore it is called the medicine for all". By stating that food is the panacea for all ills and illnesses the Upanishads have formulated one of the foundational principles of holistic health. At least half the diseases & ailments of man can be traced directly or indirectly to the problems of food. Diet control is the basic principle of Naturopathy. Nature is the Doctor and natural foods can cure ailments. Nature & Naturopathy are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of Wisdom. In India Jyotish, Ayurveda, Prakriti Therapy are all interrelated disciplines and part of esoterica. Astrology can bring tranquillity to the patient by showing him how the cohesive forces of Destiny operate. The patient can achieve what Keats called the Negative Capability - a stoic indifference to pleasure and pain. To bear all naked truths, That envisage Circumstance, all calm That is the top of sovereignty. By accepting the divine decrees of Fate the patient can feel the inner calmness and achieve an altered state ( EEG brain waves at 8.5 cycles per second - alpha state ). In this altered state natural healing chemicals called endorphins are secreted into the blood system and healing takes place naturally. A good site where you can get quality information about Holistic Medicine is
http://www.holistic-alt.com/ Astrology , Yoga & Pranic Healing Yoga was defined by Aurobindo as a methodic process towards self-perfection through a development of the latent potential at the five levels of Being - physical, vital, mental, intellectual & spiritual. Astrology by studying the heavenly archetype can show how this latent potential of the human being can be unfolded. Jupiter & Mercury rules over intellectual development, Moon mental, Mars physical, Venus vital & Saturn spiritual. The basic principle of Pranic Healing is healing through the Universal Life-Force Energy known as the Cosmic Prana. Knowledge of the psychosomatic machine,regulation of food, sleep & exercise making the physical sheath healthy & removing all mental blocks and opening all channels to the Cosmic Prana are some of the major seven steps in Pranic Therapy. The Seven Stages of Pranic Healing 1. Knowledge of the Psychosomatic Machine 2. Regulation of Sleep, food & Exercise 3. Relaxation 4. Attunement to Biorythms ( Circadian Rhythms, Solar & Lunar Rhythms ) 5. Removing mental blocks ( Difficult due to Repression ) 6. Overcoming Prajnaparadha ( Fault of Awareness due to misuse of our cognitive & conative functions) 7. Opening the system to the Cosmic Prana ( Opening all channels to the Divine Shakti ) Astrology can give knowledge of the psychophysical mechanism as the 12 limbs of the human body corresponds to the 12 Signs of the Zodiac Here is the correspondence between the 12 limbs of the human body and the 12 signs of the Zodiac Ist House Head 2nd House Face 3rd House Neck 4th House Heart 5th House Place beneath the heart 6th House Stomach 7th House Genitals 8th House Upper thigh 9th House Lower thigh 10th House Knee 11th House Calf 12th House Feet By knowing the horoscope, the aetiology of the disease can be known and the disease can be treated ( by Holistic Medicine ) so that the body is disease free and fit to become an instrument of Absolute Truth.