Want To Create A Plan That Can Evolve in The New Year?
If you want to create a plan that can evolve in the New Year you can create by creating the first draft of this plan in thirty minutes. All you need is a quiet space and no distractions.
You can create the first draft of this plan in thirty minutes. All you need is a quiet space and no distractions.
- Focus on your goals. Write down all your answers to these questions? If I was sitting here next year this time and was feeling really satisfied with my life what would be different? What kinds of new relationships would I have? What would I have achieved? What's the accomplishment I would have reached? What is best change I would have completed?
- Determine all the resources you will need. Who do you have to include and get on board in your dream to achieve your goals? Identify one person or one other form of resource for each goal.
- What have you already done that was a step forward in the right direction? Identify steps you have taken in the past year for each goal and then expand on this. Be consistent and persistent with strategies that are working to stop yourself from starting down a path you want to take but then get distracted. Evaluate all your little or big successes in the past year and then establish your fresh starting point.
- What would a big turning point be for you? Think of your accomplishments, victories and your successes 1 year from now and imagine that you had a "big break" that was pivotal to your success. What would that "big break" be? Usually it would be someone you met, some new perspective you entertained or speaking to an expert in the task you want to move forward in. Once you can identify those tools and strategies or certain someone, you have a new starting point from where to move ahead in reaching specific goals and plans. In others words, "don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to get it".
- Lastly, don’t be discouraged when things do not turn out exactly as you planned them. Be flexible and be consistent in your efforts. If something does not work, try something new. Think out the box, ask for help and support, and don’t let go of your dream for the sake of a minor or major setback. You may be giving up just before you have a victory. However, if something is not working time and time again take time out to re-assess the situation and see what you can do differently that will produce different results.
In conclusion, you can set yourself up for success by allowing your plans to evolve as you do. If you have outgrown a goal or need to make it more challenging, you have the permission to do so. Goals are not set in stone. Your values and goals will change with each transformation you make. Be flexible changing a goal when you know that it does not speak to you anymore or if you know you have been unrealistic or if you have not stretched yourself enough.