What is going on in your mind? Are you thinking thoughts of peace, prosperity, and happiness? Or, are you thinking thoughts of doom and gloom?
A person can tell what goes on in the mind of someone else by the very way they walk, the way they talk, the way they carry themselves, and their manner of dress. Everything about them reflects their way of thinking.
A slovenly carriage is an indication of slovenly thinking, whereas an alert, upright carriage is the outward sign of inward strength and confidence. What a person exhibits outwardly, they are inwardly because a person is the product of their own thoughts. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)
This “thinking” referred to in Proverbs 23:7 is not a conscious thinking as most people believe. That would be the “thinking” in the mind. It is the thinking that takes place in the heart. Your heart is the center of your being. It is the subconscious mind.
Where is your faith? Is it aimed at garbage? You might say, “Well I don’t want garbage in my life!” You right! Consciously, you don’t. But, behind your conscience mind is your subconscious mind that functions according to your true beliefs.
Your true beliefs are a sum total of all of your accumulated experiences over the course of your life. They create your expectations for future experiences, and your expectations are equivalent to your faith. Jesus said in Matthew 9:29, “According to your faith, let it be done unto you.”
Do you want more of what you already have? Most people would say, definitely not! If this is the case with you I would say you need to change your expectations (your beliefs, or your faith). If you want to manifest peace, prosperity, and happiness in your life, you must think peace, prosperity, and happiness in your heart.
You may say, “How can I think peace, prosperity, and happiness in my heart if I’ve never experienced it in my life?” By using repetitious affirmations. Have you ever heard it said that if you tell yourself something long enough you’ll begin to believe it?
Tell yourself everyday that
As you get these scriptures burned into your heart (subconscious), they will manifest into your life!