What is Harmony?

Apr 10


Kathy Karlander

Kathy Karlander

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Create change in your reality through energetic harmony! Find out what it means to truly be in harmony with the Universal Mind and how that can bring peace into your life.


Many people would say Harmony is synonymous with peace or calm. I say harmony is simply the energetic resonance between two or more entities. The outcome of that resonance is determined by the frequency broadcast from each individual.

It is the signal we broadcast out to the Universe that creates our realities. This signal is how we draw people,What is Harmony? Articles situations, and events into our lives that act as our mirrors. If you want to know what kind of signal you are broadcasting, simply take a look at the people in your circle of friends and family. If you are totally surrounded by loving, compassionate, and peaceful people then congratulations are in order!

You are broadcasting love, compassion, and peace if that is what you are surrounded with. If on the other hand, you are NOT totally surrounded by loving, compassionate, and peaceful people, then I invite you to take a closer look at the issues they do present to you. What actions in others really push your buttons?

As you examine and ultimately heal the issues that push your buttons, you will experience more peace and calm in your life, more harmony. These buttons are really 'diamonds in the rough' that will lead you to the gemstones buried within you. When something really gets to you ask yourself, "What is it really that bothers me?". What is it about ME that this triggers my frustration, anger, or any other reaction? Perhaps it is something you are also 'guilty' of doing, even if it is to a lesser degree. Perhaps it is giving you an opportunity to let go of judgment and move into a Graceful Acceptance. I invite you to use your triggers to diagnose the areas that are asking to be healed within you. Each one of these triggers can become a beautiful part of you once they are healed.

As you heal these different aspects of yourself you will feel more and more complete. The more complete you feel, the more peaceful you feel. As you continue you this process you grow ever 'lighter' and come ever closer to remembering the totality of Who You Really Are.

The more you work on yourself, the more you will notice a better, brighter, more peaceful world around you. You will see these qualities around you because it is the frequency that you broadcast out into the world around you. Other individuals broadcasting similar frequencies will begin to resonate with you, which draws like minded beings into your reality. This creates an energetic harmony. As you continue to heal and release issues within yourself, you also continue to raise the frequency of your own vibration, bringing you ever closer to the Graceful state of Unconditional Love and Compassion. This, in turn, automatically helps to lift up those around you simply because of Who You Are and not because of anything that you DO. It is a state of be-ing not do-ing.

I frequently receive invitations to join in a worldwide prayer session for the war that is going on in Iraq or for the planet in general. Each time I respond by inviting all of those same people to not only pray for peace in the world, but to also spend the same amount of time praying for peace within themselves. Yes, as a group we can have a powerful impact on the world around us. Yet, I also believe that we can have an even more powerful impact on the world around us by focusing on bringing ourselves into a balanced state of love, compassion and peace.

I wonder how we can pray for peace over there while ignoring the conflicts within our own souls, our own families, and our own communities. Remember that would we would choose to see in the world around us, we must first find inside ourselves. As we bring more and more peace into our own souls, we change the signal that we send out to the universe. We lift those around us by bringing our energies into resonance. By changing our resonance we can change who and what we harmonize with, assisting each other to reach greater and greater heights. We do this by focusing on ourselves and doing our own work. We cannot force the world to change anymore than we can force an individual to change. All we can do is to BE the shining example of what we choose to see in the world and trust that as we do so we, send out a resonance to others around inviting them to do the same.

So I invite each and every one of you to take a stand and do your part. Do your part by working on yourself. Stop worrying about the things that you cannot change. Stop worrying about what other people are saying or doing. Instead, do what you can in each moment of each day to BE a shining example of peace, love, and compassion. Do this not because you think it will change other people, but do this because it is what your heart tells you to do. Open to yourself and allow yourself to feel with your heart, listen with your heart, and lead from your heart. This is where your wisdom resides. Use it well, my friends.