Do you know how important it is to make conscious choices in your life? A conscious choice is a choice you make that is not based on fear, doubt lack, or any other negative feeling or belief. It’s when you make a choice for something, rather than against or to avoid something else. If you truly want to live your life on your terms and manifest the life of your dreams, you must learn to make conscious choices in every area of your life. If you do that you won’t go wrong.
Do you know how important it is to make Conscious Choices in your life?
A conscious choice is a choice you make that is not based on fear, doubt lack, or any other negative feeling or belief. It’s when you make a choice for something, rather than against or to avoid something else. For example when you accept a job offer because you like the position and want to work for that company you are making a conscious choice. But if you made the same choice based on the fact that you were scared you wouldn’t get another job offer or you needed the money, that is the opposite of a conscious decision it is a re-active decision. You are making a choice based on your past and on a negative image of your future.
A conscious choice is one where you are choosing in favour of the future you wish to create. So you would choose to go to the gym because you want to be fit and healthy. You choose to accept a new position with your company because it is more in alignment with your skills and talents and you relish the challenge. Or you choose to go on another date with your current beau because you feel there is something in the relationship worth pursuing. The opposite of this would be a choice made from disillusionment or despair. So, you go to the gym because you don’t want to be fat, you accept a new position with your company because your sacred they’ll let you go if you don’t, or you go on yet another date with your beau only because no-one else has shown interest and you don’t want to be single and alone.
In the former scenario your choices are likely to lead to a lasting healthy mind and body, a new job role that you enjoy and potentially a great relationship. In the latter, you’ll probably end up putting the weight back on when you stop going to the gym, you find yourself in a new job that you never wanted in the first place and now you are in a bad relationship with someone that’s not right for you.
Choices made from a place of fear and lack will never be the right ones. At best they will keep you stuck and at worst they’ll lead you further and further into an unfulfilled and unhappy life. Yet this is the place from which so many of us make our decisions everyday. We choose in favour of that which we are trying to avoid. We take any old job because we don’t want to be poor or we’ll date someone we know isn’t right for us because we don’t want to be single, or we will carry on being a wage slave because we are afraid to step out and set up our own business.
If you truly want to live your life on your terms and manifest the life of your dreams, you must learn to make conscious choices in every area of your life; from what you choose to eat or wear to where you choose to work or live. Basing your decisions, no matter how big or small, on what has happened in the past or what you are afraid of, either now or for the future, is senseless and will not lead to anything good.
Decide instead to choose in favour of what you want for yourself now and on what is for your highest and best good. If you do that you won’t go wrong.