After a few days of noticing a fly trapped between a screen and window (without food, water, or whatever else bugs need), since he hadn't died, I decided to open the window to let it go free. Only, t
After a few days of noticing a fly trapped between a screen and window (without food, water, or whatever else bugs need), since he hadn't died, I decided to open the window to let it go free. Only, the fly refused to fly away, preferring starvation and imprisonment. And not only that but, another fly joined him! Misery likes company? I don't know.
But then, I thought, "God, is that where we are right now, as a people; the door has been opened but we're still sitting in bondage?" Maybe. Only, soon after came the message that one of us didn't survive. An old friend became ill and committed suicide, as a result, and he was a believer!
The question, then, came to mind, "What, on earth, are we believing in? What happened to the God of miracles? Do we think He is dead!?"
Maybe he was told that miracles were only for the early church, as if God loved them more. Or, maybe, he received the updated version that God can heal, if He wants to, as if we've finally given Him permission. Or, he could have bought into the theory that there are some people God loves more. Are you buying this?
This I know, for sure. If you are not free, it isn't the truth. Whatever holds you in bondage is not true. Whatever keeps you from your rightful place with God isn't true. Whatever stands between you and your calling, it isn't true. Just maybe it has to get bad enough before we're willing to seek truth at all cost.
Being free begins with acknowledging who is the all seeing, all knowing, all loving God and choosing Him over all that is not.
And ye shall seek me, and find me,
when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13
Choose Freedom!
© 2003 by Joyce C. Lock
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.
Making OE Stationery
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In a world rife with division, the church's unity stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to divine truth over human doctrine. This unity is not merely a lofty ideal but a practical necessity, rooted deeply in scriptural teachings that emphasize the importance of collective faith and action. Understanding and living by God's word, as opposed to following merely human interpretations, can be the difference between spiritual triumph and failure.