Fun with ... is oral sex ... on a man. It is a great way to give ... ... of whether it is for ... after play, or the main event. Like all other sexual skills, the
Fun with Fellatio
Fellatio is oral sex performed on a man. It is a great way to give pleasure; regardless of whether it is for foreplay, after play, or the main event. Like all other sexual skills, they must be learned, so communication is highly recommended. Whether the communication is before, during, or after, it is essential to learn the art. Finding out what he likes will invariably go a long way towards performing mind-blowing oral sex.
Most women are clueless on how to give a quality blow job. They try to emulate what they see in porn, but they rarely can get it just right, so that it is enjoyable for them and hot for their man. Many men stray out of the simple fact that they are not getting good head.
Keep in mind, when you are performing oral sex, you are doing this for him. Sending negative vibes about not wanting to or how much of a chore it is will take away from his experience. If you act enthusiastic, chances are it will be over faster, and it will be your turn to receive.
If you are really against performing fellatio, explain to your partner why you don?t, and don?t allow him to force you if you are uncomfortable.
These techniques will help keep him home:) We illustrate 14 different lessons. Go to: