How to know whether a woman is attracted to you

Oct 7


Max Espisen

Max Espisen

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Do you know when a woman is attracted to you? Women are difficult to understand in terms of seduction when you do not know what to look for. I pro...

Do you know when a woman is attracted to you?

Women are difficult to understand in terms of seduction when you do not know what to look for.

I propose to repeat here the various founding work in this area.

Story to practice in the purest tradition of the pragmatic approach of seduction NTD,How to know whether a woman is attracted to you Articles I will present this work in a panorama of different aspects of these indications of interest.

The signals are hidden

The first thing to know is the most annoying. The signals are difficult to see.

The first reason for this difficulty in identifying the signs is that men are not used to being in the emotional. They even tend to shun emotions.

No luck Seduction as a whole plays in the emotional.

So Neo, the first thing to do is "Reading the Matrix." Understanding emotions in the face, the green signs all odd will become more understandable.

By identifying emotions in the face, you'll have a much better calibration (read what you need in an interaction).


The second thing to understand is that women are emotional and they act according to their emotions of the moment. And suddenly, their motives may not seem consistent. Add to that the propensity to turn around what we want and can understand why men have trouble understanding.

However, the inconsistency is in a sense a good index. If a woman appears inconsistent face you is that it is in the emotional.

And it is that it is any good (and you disturb it, it tries to attract your attention or trying to maneuver closer to you) or not at all (and as you drunk permanently).

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