Christmas is the time of year when we like to spend our time with our children, friends and family. At least, that is how the story goes, and for the ...
That’s right. Despite all good intentions, your favorite mall may have mistakenly hired a child molester, whose more recent residential address may have been the state penitentiary and not the North Pole. And you think you should be concerned about your child’s fear of midgets and dwarves. The truth is, that very lap where you place your child to declare his holiday wishes may actually belong to a pedophile. To support this claim, CBS News recently had one of its staff impersonate a convicted felon and child molester. The staff member applied in five Los Angeles malls, under the name of the actual felon. The felon was a man who was registered along with 63,000 sickos on what is commonly known as “Meagan’s List.” He was hardly a well kept secret. And yet all five shopping malls hired the man to be their Santa Claus. Later, when confronted with the issue, one man claimed to have run a free pre-employment background check that is generally good for nothing. The others mumbled lame excuses that when translated logically meant they probably had not run any kind of pre-employment background check.
In other malls throughout the country, those responsible do conduct pre-employment background checks, along with drug testing. The good news is, employers like Santa Plus, of Fallon, Missouri, screen the 500 Santas it places in 250 malls, in 46 states. However, by some accounts, 70 out of every 1000 applicants for the Santa or Santa’s helper jobs, has a felony record of some sort. That is approximately seven percent of those screened. They may be applying to the malls and services where they don’t do any background checking. They may be like the staff member of CBS, who while posing as a child molester got hired anyway. At five different malls. In the case of CBS, there guy was an imposter, helping to work a feature story. In the other cases, well they are the real thing. I know this is terrible. But if it ended there we could almost be grateful. . Perhaps the larger question is who are what are you having over for the holidays? Are you not doing the same thing as the shopping malls when you are thinking of dating someone without first checking him out? I know, your new Mr. Possible seems perfectly lovely on the Internet, and he is charming on the telephone. It is the holiday season. You feel lonely. It would be nice to share the holidays with someone who shows the potential for romance. But a confidence man, a criminal, a pedophile, has had lots of practice at disarming his pray. Winning you over is what his life is all about. Getting to your wallet; getting to your children. They are good at it..
This is not to suggest you investigate old Uncle Fred, although it’s not always a bad idea. It is to suggest, however, that if you are a single woman, especially a single parent, and you are using the singles and online dating sites, you had best run a online dating background check on your potential paramours. Not only does an online singles background check help protect you from theft of goods, confidence scams, identity theft and your own risk of physical harm, most importantly, he helps protect your children from the kind of strangers they should never meet.
At Corra Group, where we specialize in servicing professional women with their online dating background checks, we have a special saying.
Check Him Out Before You Date Him. If you have children, we can’t urge it enough.
Speed Dating: Lessons from "Citizen Kane"
Speed dating offers a unique opportunity to meet potential partners quickly, but is it effective or just another way to pass the time? This article explores the dynamics of speed dating, its origins, and its effectiveness, providing insights from different perspectives. Whether you're a romantic risk-taker or a cautious skeptic, speed dating might just be the experience you're looking for.The Hr Challenge: Help Wanted Inquire Within And Without
Homeland Security and the New Employment Landscape Have Added New Pressures to You Human Resource Management Staff. Just Because You Are Desperate to Hire, Overlooking the Candidate’s Red FlagsCan Be a Costly MistakeDating Your Soul Clone: Niche Dating Sites
Summary: In today's digital age, niche dating sites cater to every conceivable interest and lifestyle, from pet lovers to truckers, vegans, and even Goths. While these platforms promise compatibility by matching individuals with similar interests, they may also limit personal growth and the excitement of new experiences. This article explores the implications of dating your "soul clone" and questions whether opposites can still attract in a world increasingly focused on sameness.