Significance of sex education for youth in schools
The turmoil in the society all over the world is responsible for the vindictive attitudes in the youths. There are increasing number of sex-related cr...
The turmoil in the society all over the world is responsible for the vindictive attitudes in the youths. There are increasing number of sex-related crimes in the society and the both the guilty and the victims are the youths only. Sex is a subject which is never publicly discussed. Even the parents and teachers do not answer the questions related to sex very openly so the youths lack knowledge in this subject. Sex education is important for a child at a very early stage so that the child’s mental development could happen properly and during the youth time,

the child will be able to form healthy relationships and can enjoy sex. Proper sex education for youth is responsible for creating a strong emotional bonding between the partners. Because of manifold advantages, sex education is schools have been incorporated by the government.The sex education for youth should start at very early stage and is able to handle various aspects of sex such as:-
- Sexual abuse in children and youth.
- Sexual exploitation in youth.
- Sex before marriage.
- Unwanted pregnancy before marriage or after marriage.
- Teenage pregnancy.
- Abortion and possibility of death during pregnancy.
- Reproductive organs.
- Cleanliness and taking care of reproductive organs.
- Process of birth.
- Safe sex.
- Different birth control measures.
- Sexually transmitted diseases-their prevention and remedies.
Sex education can be done using the banners, hoardings, television and radio campaigns, workshops, documentary and different audio visual aids. Children and youths might not be able to grasp every aspect of sex so special types of books should be made for them to incorporate sex education in schools. After marriage, many couples face different kinds of sexual problems like unwanted pregnancy, infection in the urinary tract etc. and they lack proper sexual knowledge. It is always preferable that sex education in schools and sex education for the youths should be imparted in a language which is easily understandable for the people and radio and television should be used for campaigning on such issues. For the establishment of the healthy society it is important that the children and the youths should have healthy mental condition. The sex education for children and youth must involve the teachers and parents also as they are the people who remain close to the children and the youths for most of the time and should be able to answer their questions properly.