Kaspersky Detects Malware in Twitter
Twitter is being used by many people worldwide in these days. Kaspersky revealed a new tool named “Krab Krawler” that will analyze million of tweets posted on Twitter every day and will block any malware associated with them.
Twitter is being used by many people worldwide in these days. It’s a free social networking and micro-blogging service enabling its users to read and send messages. Because of its increasing popularity,

Twitter has exerted its effort to stop attacks which includes spam, worms such as Mikeyy, and phishing. Twitter confirmed that the site was hacked last May where some individual account information were also leaked.
In regards to this, Kaspersky revealed a new tool named “Krab Krawler”. It will analyze million of tweets posted on Twitter every day and will block any malware associated with them.
Krab Krawler will:
• looks at every public post as it appears in on Twitter
• extracts any URLs in them and analyzes the web page they go to
• expands any URLs that have been shortened
Twitter scans almost 500,000 new unique URLs every day where there are about 100 to 1,000 malware attacks happen. Koobface virus has targeted Twitter by posting malicious links from infected users’ accounts. Twenty-six (26) percent of the total Twitter posts contain URLs redirecting to spam sites which are marketing products or services and not considered malware. Thousands of accounts post spam links created by bots. Most of the URLs redirect to online dating sites.
Kaspersky’s regular antivirus software can detect and block ninety-five (95) percent of the malware Twitter users are afraid of. Some antivirus companies focus protecting e-mail-borne viruses but also give more attention to social-media sites now. For now, Finjan offers SecureTweets to Twitter users. SecureTweets is a free browser plug-in that warns the users as they come upon a malicious URL in Twitter, also includes Blogger, Gmail, Google search, MSN, MySpace, Yahoo and more sites.
Attackers are fond of hitting social-media sites because there are many people using them and trusting messages in there with their friends more than they do in e-mails. According to Kaspersky, Trojan-Clicker.HTMLIFrame is the most common piece of malware associated with Twitter. It is a malicious Javascript that can be transferred to computer when you visit a compromised web site.
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