Why would anybody need a golf coach when most of the famous golfers of old developed their game pretty much on their own? And besides, wouldn’t a golf coach take away all the fun of the game and make the whole thing too serious to call a leisure activity anymore?
These are some of the many concerns amateur golfers have whenever the idea of a golf coach is suggested to them. Genuine concerns but mostly outdated because the modern game has changed a lot and continue to change.
One of the most distinct changes witnessed in the game is the wide acceptance of golf coaches, exercises and muscle conditioning programs in a sport that has for generations been viewed as a leisure sport with no room for any sort of exercising or muscle strengthening programs.
Has your golf game been getting just a little too frustrating in recent times? Have you been suffering many more humiliating defeats than is the case ordinarily?
Then there is the increasing possibility that you are playing against people who are involved in exercise programs and have a personal golf coach who has been helping them work on improvements in their game.
How can you possibly compete with a golfer who has such a huge advantage over you? How can you ever hope to enjoy your game of golf the way you used to in the days when a golf coach was a strange and uncommon phrase in the game?
Probably the biggest advantage of having a golf coach is that they are able to specifically work on your weaknesses using golf specific exercise programs to strengthen the muscles that are critical for you to play a good round of golf.
A golf coach will also help you avoid some of the common but painful and disruptive injuries of the game like the golfer elbow. They will help you avoid them by getting you to warm up properly before a round of gold and do stretches that will help you tone up to tip-top condition for your game.
What’s more, is that there is no age limit in the golfers opting to get a golf coach to help them with their physicals. Even senior citizens are able to successfully implement the exercise programs into their game. In fact some have been able to get rid of nagging back injuries for good.
Do seriously consider engaging a golf coach.
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