If you're a fan of martial arts and you want to practice the sport in perfect safety, you are advised to purchase a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi uniform.
Those who practice Bijj wear a specific uniform called Brazilian JiuJitsuGi,

but sometimes it is also named "The Bijj Kimono". The most common colors for these types of uniforms are white and blue, but in some cases they are black. The main upside of these uniforms is that it is very difficult to tear them down even during the roughest training sessions.
If you're thinking of purchasing a Jiu Jitsu Gi, bear in mind that they should be 100% cotton. You shouldn't buy anything unless you make sure that the product is indeed 100% cotton. It is said that a truly good Gi uniform is light like a feather, or heavy as a rock, regardless, most people find it difficult to differentiate these two concepts, mainly because the uniforms that are available for sale are defined as Pearl, or Platinum. Nonetheless, when you go shopping for Gi uniforms, you should pay attention at the name, because usually the light, smooth ones are titled Single Weave, or Pearl Weave, in contrast with the heavy ones that are known as Double Weave, or Gold Weave.
Still, the weight of these products is not a crucial factor, as it is mostly a matter of personal predilection. Still, if you are looking for a kimono which you are going to wear on a competition, you are recommended to opt for a heavier one, while if you are purchasing it for your trainings you would better select a lighter piece. A JiuJitsuGi uniform is compulsory for all those who have started attending Bijj trainings. Likewise, the Gisare nothing like the karate uniforms, and they are more alike the Judo ones. Gis are usually ultra-durable because this sport usually implies submissions and throws, so the uniform must be able to deal with impressive amounts of force. Bijj trainings can easily destroy a regular uniform, but not a Gi, because these generally feature ultra-resistant stitches.
These being said, you must select a fine Gi, which is made of a qualitative material, and present triple stitches. Nevertheless, if you are just learning a couple of self-defense techniques, you must have a more realistic approach of the matter. In this case, you may not want to use a gi, considering that in real life you have more chances of being attacked while wearing a normal pair of shorts instead of a Bijj uniform. Additionally, there are voices that stand that it is not highly recommended to train only in a Gi, because after some time you will become less focused on the techniques, and you will become more addicted to your uniform. It is much more advisable to balance things, and find a middle way, as it will surely do you better. It has been shown that if you are constantly wearing a Gi while practicing Bijj, you will become weaker, and you will be unable to apply the techniques that you know in its absence.
On the other hand, not wearing a gi is also a bad decision because you won't develop the ability of using defense techniques that are based on the material. All in all, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi are great uniforms for people who want to practice Bijj, as they provide great resistance to the force applied on them during trainings. You should consider buying these amazing uniforms, whether you practice this sport for pleasure or for learning new self-defense techniques that can be used in real life.