Classic Army Airsoft Supplier
Classic Army is one of the most famous and distinguished airsoft manufacturers in the entire world.
Classic Army is a popular manufacturer of airsoft guns. They are stationed in Hong Kong,

although they export heavily worldwide. The company mainly makes replica airsoft guns; airsoft guns that very closely resemble their real-life counterparts. One reason that Classic Army, abbreviated CA, is so successful is because of the stunning realism of their products. As stated, they can look almost identical or completely identical to the real guns they are modeled after (save for the orange tip). CA guns are usually full metal, which means where there is metal on the real gun, there is metal on the CA replica. Other parts, such as the gearbox, are also usually metal. The fact that CA guns are full metal has a large effect on their price. There are no AEGs under $200, although the M15A4 Carbine, a spring gun, is under $100. The specifications for the AEGs are more or less the same, as mostly all of them fire between 300-350 feet per second, and they work best with 0.20g BBs. Also, most AEGs come with high-capacity magazines, which is another reason that Classic Army is such an appealing brand. The products that CA produces are all based on real guns, and they can manufacturer a line of airsoft guns based on one real rifle. For example, they currently have ten airsoft guns all based on the M4 Carbine. They also have guns based on Heckler & Koch G3, Heckler & Koch HK33, Heckler & Koch G36, Heckler & Koch SL8, Heckler & Koch MP5, Steyr Aug, AK-47, M249 SAW, SR-25, M14, M16A2, and SCAR-L. As you can see, CA has airsoft guns based on the most popular of real rifles, and they have more coming out in the future. Besides airsoft guns, CA also produces spare parts, accessories, tactical gear, batteries, and more. Despite the high quality of CA’s products, and their widespread appeal, they are not the most popular manufacturer in the world, and they have a lot of competition. In fact, the statistically best airsoft producer is Tokyo Marui, although Classic Army is catching up to them in popularity for AEGs. Tokyo Marui also manufacturers (besides AEGs) gas and electric pistols, as well as a number of air guns and radio controlled devices. The future of Classic Army looks bright. Many of their to-be-released products have already been announced. New airsoft guns that are coming up include a Colt, Glock, and a new Steyr Aug (the AUG A3). Depending on the kind of airsoft gun, new Classic Army products will usually enjoy a brief period of high sales and popularity, but after the initial fad is over, they may sink into the background. Currently, the M4 Carbine series is the most popular of CA products, and it is expected for them to retain that position.