If you are the typical enthusiastic golfer who thinks about the game all the time, even when you are in the office, then this golf instruction tip for exercises in your office will be of great help.
But first it is important to appreciate the value of stretching exercises, which is what the golf instruction tip in this article is all about.
The golf swing is resisted by the human body because it is a very unnatural movement, as far as the human body is concerned.
Golf-specific stretching exercises help a great deal in conditioning your body to adapt to the golf swing as much as possible. The idea is to make the body comfortable during the golf swing so that you greatly reduce on its’ awkwardness. In simple terms the more comfortable your body is during a golf swing, the better the quality of your golf swing will be.
This golf instruction tip is also for all those terribly busy business executives who have great problems creating the time to play their golf, let alone having some extra time to spare for exercises at a gym.
Just 15 seconds at a time is adequate to execute this golf instruction tip that is bound to greatly improve your game.
Actually there are numerous types of stretches you can do in the office.
For example the seated twist has had an amazing record in reducing and at times even eliminating back pain. It has also quickly improved many golfers’s back swing and follow through range of motions. The result has mostly been a much higher club head speed and greater distance.
To do this golf instruction tip on exercising, you need to start off seated upright in your office chair, with chest high and back straight. You can then reach behind you with one arm, which will rotate your upper body. While staying erect, twist as far back as you can go and then hold for about 10 seconds.
You can then twist the other way and repeat. Go both sides 2-3 times, remembering to hold for 10 seconds, each time. This golf instruction tip will reap many rewards on the course.
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