History of boxing gloves
The history of boxing gloves dates back to three thousand years ago and there have been significant changes in the make up of gloves.
The history of boxing gloves dates back to three thousand years ago and there have been significant changes in the make up of gloves. Major changes were initiated by the Greek Olympians who made the usage of hardened leather straps so that they could protect their knuckles well. The Greeks shared the information with the Romans and the Romans took the entire sport to a whole new level. However the Romans were the people who added in some extra fittings to the gloves that resulted in the loss of many lives,

thus making the game more complex and thereby requiring rules which were strict in nature. Things turned to be so complex that the entire sport had to be banned in 30. B. C. However the sport did not vanish completely, still there was illegal existence of men fighting with bare knuckles.
However in the 17th century there was reemergence of boxing and there was introduction of the boxing gloves in the ring. But still there was a special preference given to fighting with bare knuckles. There was still prevalence of fighters losing their lives inspite of the fact that the sport was declared illegal.
However the sport gained respect with the inclusion of Marquis of Queensbury rules and on the provision of compulsion on the usage of gloves within the ring. In the 19th century there was revival of the sport as a legal procedure and it was free to be progressed. It was after this that there was wider utility of boxing gloves, and as a result there are different types of boxing gloves available in the market. These days you can find the gloves for different categories let it be for youth with the trendy models, male, female, competition and even the non competition styles. This is because boxing is considered as a very good form of exercise, so there are diverse requirements of boxing gloves for the people on competing level and the people not practicing on a professional level. Further boxing gloves are even used these days for the different forms of martial arts like the kickboxing. As far as kickboxing is considered there is much usage of feet however to meet the adequate safety levels gloves are used.
There are different types of gloves designed to cater to some particular purpose, like for example you have the speed bag glove which has an extra padding than the padded leather mittens. Because in some form of games there is wider importance given to the speed and with the speed bag gloves the main aim is to protect the knuckles against the speed of the competitor.
Incase you are using a heavier punching bag then it is essential that you use a heavier bag glove, in this case the speed doesn’t matter much but the force matters so in this case the heavier bag glove intends to provide more protection to the hands and the wrist of the boxer. These gloves have extra foam padding and they are covered with leather so as to increase their durability. It is important to remember that the athletes use the right types of gloves for the right purpose.