How to Play Better Softball
It is important to know the hitting mechanics of a ball in softball coaching because it brings consistency and power to any swing. Now, how will you k...
It is important to know the hitting mechanics of a ball in softball coaching because it brings consistency and power to any swing. Now,

how will you know the hitting mechanics? First, you must consider the movement of the hips and the waist. When it comes to the “stance”, always take the same stance each time at bat. Constantly begin by bending at the waist, then bend at the knees. This is what you call a weight shift. The hitter shows the pitcher their back pockets as the hitter see the pitcher’s back pocket. When it comes to the stride, the hips remain coiled as the front knee points highly inward. During the swing, it begins by throwing the hips at the ball and the bellybutton is in front of the pitcher when the bat hits the ball.For the follow-through the hips and the waist will continue their natural rotation as the body moves slow down. It is also important to consider the movement of the eyes and the head, why? Because, these are the important body parts that helps you to remain focused on the pitcher’s release point of the ball and stay alert and active.But, how are you going to use your eyes and head in a softball game? Here are some easy steps you can do. For “stance” both eyes must be focused on the pitcher’s cap. For “swing” the eyes needs to follow the ball into the head of a bat. For a “follow-through” the head moves only after the chin touches the back shoulder. For a “weight Shift” the eyes moves in the direction of the pitcher’s release point.Furthermore, an effective softball coaching also considers the effective pitching mechanics. So what are the important factors to be considered in a pitching mechanics? The gait or stride dictates the pitch’s path and velocity. A glove hand extends in front of the pitcher. Stride the lower half of the left and comes forward with a slight bend as the stride foot makes get in touch with the ground.The upper body must be standing tall and the foot lands slightly closed at around 1 o’clock positions a direct line with the target. The stride knee rises up with the glove reaching forward. An arm action must be considered in a soft ball game as wells. Picture the arm as a weight on the end of a string rotating around the shoulder.The arm throughout the pitching motion must be relaxed relatively straight for the throwing hand in order to reach its maximum radius. The pitching arm shoulder at the top of the windmill action, the shoulder moves rearward as the body opens.The arms at release brush very close to the hip with a whipping action to the arm at the release. The hand must be "cocked" behind the wrist prior to release. The upper arm must decelerate while the lower arm keeps moving. Lower arm should be straightened. Wrist snaps at the release. Elbow is unlocked, bending slightly during the release with a considerably bend after the release.