Selling an old motorcycle is not easy especially if you don't know what to prepare before the sale. This article will help you learn about the things you need to do before selling a motorcycle. Following these tips will help selling your motorcycle easier.
Don’t ever think that selling a motorcycle is easy. It is not about taking a picture of your bike and posting it on classified ads or motorcycle websites. Don’t get too excited and expect to receive phone calls from expectant buyers right away. There are things you need to do first before selling your bike.
Listed below are the things you need to do before selling your motorcycle.
1. Know the value of your motorcycle. You need to know first the value of your motorcycle by doing a price research on sites such as ,, or
2. Prepare the basic information of your bike such as year, model, make and its selling price. You need to have this information handy in case a potential buyer asks about the history of your motorcycle.
3. Prepare your bike. If you are planning to sell your old motorcycle, then make sure that it is on top condition and still looking great. Clean your motorcycle as well as the accessories you changed during your upgrades. Get rid also of the dents and scratches on the body of your bike. After that, tune up the motorcycle because buyers may want to test drive it before buying.
4. Prepare the legal papers. If you are going to sell your old motorcycle, make sure that you have all the important documents you need in order to complete the sale.
After you prepare all these things for the sale of your bike, your next step is to advertise. This is the best way to get buyer. You need to inform as many people as you can about what you’re selling. Take a picture of your bike in different angles then post it online, in the local newspaper or a magazine. In order to get the attention of potential buyers, you may consider writing a description of your bike such as information about its mileage, its history, the upgrades and replacements you did. It is best also to detail the performance of your bike.
After you receive good calls from potential buyers, make a good deal. But before that, remember not to stick to one buyer only. Wait for a buyer who can make a fair deal with you. However, it is possible that every potential buyer will want to learn everything about your bike. So, it is best to anticipate their questions and prepare answers to each.
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