Many new skateboarders have a hard time performing tricks. Luckily, there are a few tricks out there that aren’t difficult to do, and have a low learning curve. Two tricks in particular are the ‘shuvit’ and ‘pop shuvit.’
The shuvit and pop shuvit are very similar tricks,

the pop shuvit is done while in an ollie, and the shuvit is the same, but without an ollie in the mix.
The word ‘shuvit’ comes from ‘Shove it’, as this trick is performed by shoving your board to the left or right and landing back on it. The origins of this trick are rooted in early skateboarding, probably before the ollie was invented.
Since the shuvit is the easier of the two tricks, we’ll go over that one first. The shuvit is the perfect trick for novice skateboarders, because it only requires a little bit of skill and is easily pulled off without knowing how to ollie.
To do a shuvit, place your back foot up on the tail of the board, and your front foot on the mid section of the deck. Lift the board up as if you were going to do a manual, and then kick your front foot to the left or right.
If you did this properly, the board should pivot and spin underneath your feet. Start with 180 shuvits at first. After landing a few of those, you can start working your way up to a 360 shuvit or even a 540 shuvit.
It would be nearly impossible to land something like a 540 shuvit on flat ground, but you can try it anyway. The 180 shuvit is the easiest to perform, and the 360 shuvit is barely feasible on flat ground.
The pop shuvit is a variation of the shuvit. It does take more skill than the regular shuvit; the reason being that you must know how to ollie first.
If you can’t already ollie, you should read up some tutorials on the internet. Practice your ollie, and then come back to this page later to learn how to pop shuvit.
After you’ve practiced your ollie and can land it consistently, you’re ready to do a pop shuvit. The pop shuvit is performed in a similar fashion to the shuvit, only in the air.
Start out by doing an ollie and shifting your front foot to the left or right. You may do a shuvit perfectly the first time, but there’s a good chance you won’t, so keep practicing.
Try to spin the board right as your tail hits the ground. It’s hard to do a shuvit when you’re already airborne, and even harder when your tail doesn’t make contact with the concrete.
After you’ve done your first shuvit, you can start working on new tricks. The shuvit is a great way to get your balance perfected, and will help you perform new tricks in the future.
Once you’ve learned the basics of the shuvit and pop shuvit, you should keep praciting the tricks. It will take a lot of time before you can consistently land pop shuvits and shuvits, so keep practicing. Don’t forget to put on your safety equipment!