Interesting Facts About Swimming Pool

Apr 20


Susan Wong

Susan Wong

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In Egypt, you can find ancient paintings and drawings depicting people swimming date back to 2500 AD. Swimming is considered a useful cardiovascular exercise, this is because we are moving against the water’s resistance (over ten times that of the air). Swimming strengthens the lungs and the heart. It also helps reduce stress. Swimming works out all of our body’s major muscles.

An hour of vigorous swimming can burn up to 650 calories. It also burns off more calories than biking or walking.

Water’s buoyancy make swimming the suitable exercise for physical therapy and rehabilitation as well as for those who seeks a low-impact exercise.

Elephant can swim as many as 20 miles a day – this animal use its trunk as a natural snorkel.

In the U.S. 65% of people there dont know how to swim.

Swimming is the third most-popular activity or sport in the U.S (after walking and gardening/yard work).

The first recorded swimming races were actually held in 36 B.C. in Japan.

In the late part of the 19th century,Interesting Facts About Swimming Pool Articles swimming became an amateur sport, and in 1896 it became a part of the Olympic Games.

Swimming in the Olympics started as a men’s event only, and in 1912 women were then be able to participate in this sport.

An Englishman Captain Matthew Webb is the first man who crossed the English Channel swimming from England to France in 1875.

Gertrude Ederle is the first woman who swam the English Channel in 1926 and she was actually a teenager at that time.

Over 50% of world-class swimmers suffer from shoulder pain.

The most popular freestyle stroke is the crawl. It is also considered as the fastest stroke or the most efficient swim stroke.

The slowest Olympic swim stroke is the breaststroke. It is also the oldest form of stroke used.

The average person produces about 25,000 quarts of saliva in her or his lifetime – this is enough spit to fill two swimming pools.

The turbopump on the Space Shuttle main engine could drain an average-sized swimming pool in just 25 seconds.

An Olympic size pool can hold between 700,000 to 850,000 gallons of water.

The Titanic was the first ocean liner to have a gym and a swimming pool.

Clear pool water does not mean clean pool water. Swimming is a healthy and fun activity. However, breathing, swallowing, or having contact with contaminated water from swimming pools would spread illnesses.

Owning a swimming pool is terrific, but lets not forget that they are also dangerous. About 300 children under age 5 die every year and about 2,000 other children visit hospital emergency rooms for submersion injuries each year.

According to Guinness World Records, Algarrobo, Chile is the place where you can find the world’s largest swimming pool – the pool is called San Alfonso del Mar Seawater pool. The longest swimming pool can be found in Casablanca, Morocco.
