Super Bowl ... of Problem Drinking 17.6 million American adults are either alcohol ... or abuse alcohol. Super Bowl Sunday has long been ... with over ... of alcohol and dru
Super Bowl Harbinger of Problem Drinking 17.6 million
American adults are either alcohol dependent or abuse
alcohol. Super Bowl Sunday has long been associated with
over consumption of alcohol and drunk driving.
17.6 million American adults are either alcohol dependent or
abuse alcohol. According to the recently released 2001-2002
National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
Conditions, alcohol dependence - particularly among men -
has decreased; however, rates of alcohol abuse have
Super Bowl Sunday has long been associated with over
consumption of alcohol and the problems of alcohol abuse.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving has compiled statistics for
Super Bowl day alcohol related driving fatalities every year
since 1999. These statistics show that an average Super Bowl
Sundays see 55.4% increase in alcohol related traffic
fatalities over other days of the year.
Part of the problem may be that imbibing alcohol is
encouraged during the Super Bowl. Nearly 20% of the
commercials, 10 out of 58, aired during Super Bowl XXXIX
will advertise Anheuser-Busch products. Last year
Anheuser-Busch's commercials were among both the most
controversial and popular.
Also promoting Super Bowl alcohol consumption,'s
football writer James Alder, whose goal is to, "provide you
with all the necessary resources every serious football fan
needs...," offers Super Bowl party recipes for alcoholic
Jello shots, including instructions in how to make them
SOBERnet, a website on alcohol abuse and alcoholim, offers
an alternative recipe for a successful Super Bowl party at
Serve alternative nonalcoholic drinks. Have a key check, and
don't let party goers drive drunk. Provide transportation
via a designated non-drinking driver or taxi. Plan post game
activities, as only time can help someone sober up. And,
don't drink and drive.
David Westbrook is a writer who has spent years workign with
alcohoics and addictsFor more information on alcohol abuse
and alcoholism log on to http.//
Five Reasons for Fundraising Failures
Most nonprofits today live and die by their ability to successfully raise funds. The more funds they are able to raise the more good they are able to accomplish. A successful fundraiser has the potential to do much more than just generate funds for an organization. It can energize staff and board members, it can generate awareness about the importance of the organization’s mission, it can be serve as the beginning of a new relationship with long-term donors and it may generate additional publicity for the organization. Unfortunately, a fundraiser if done incorrectly can produce a strong negative effect in just as many areas and may even end up costing the organization money rather than making it money.Hurting from the Outside In: The Rise of Self-harming
Ask any teacher or adolescent counselor what the most disturbing trend they are seeing in teens today is, and they are likely to tell you it's the growing number of "cutters". By cutters, they mean people who hurt themselves or "self-injure" a term that is more encompassing of the many types of behaviors that are actually involved. Whatever the form of self-injury, cutting, burning, biting or any of many other similar behaviors, teens hurting themselves in an attempt to deal with emotional pain is on the rise.Your Content for Nothing and Your Clicks for Free
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