The Increasing Popularity Of American Football
A couple decades back if you would happen to spark up a conversation with some random person who happen to be from another country about their favorite football team,
A couple decades back if you would happen to spark up a conversation with some random person who happen to be from another country about their favorite football team,
most likely the first thought that would come to their mind would soccer for us Americans also known as football around the world. Soccer is one of the world's most popular sports, no matter what distant land you may be in everyone loves and plays soccer, even countries like Iraq and Africa that seem to be constantly at war, with distant or neighboring countries or with poverty and starvation it's self. But, in the past our American football has not been able to reach across these distant shores. Fortunately due to the ever increasing popularity of the sport more of our foreign friends around the world are beginning to take notice of the ever growing sport. Although the full contact sport is sometimes looked upon as brutal and barbaric from neighboring countries. The constant head to head action of the game is what can turn heads and catch the eye of said nay sayers. This is because football is like a living creature that is ever evolving into something that is faster and stronger more adapt, and slowly becoming a more efficient animal. By this I mean that with any game that deals with a lot of players all at once you are going to get many different players wall at once you are going to experience the many different emotions and attitudes of said players. This is because no matter how much you pay someone you can not change what kind of man "or woman"that person is. And after awhile of watching a game your own feelings somehow become wrapped up in the madness, the excitement, and the drama of the game. Before you know it you are wearing an NFL jersey and have thrown away your old sports bedding and replaced it with an NFL bedding set which you protect using duvet cover sets whenever company is around. That is why so many countries are beginning to support and recognize American football because of how it wraps you emotionally.