There are several common methods and gear types used to fish for trout in streams. Fishing with spinning outfits and fly rods are the most popular. Fishing for trout is one of the easiest fishing around if you know where to find them and what you are looking for.
Fishing for trout is one of the easiest fishing around if you know where to find them and what you are looking for. There is a number of species of trout (Cutthroat,

Rainbow, Brook, Brown and Lake) as you can see and the best eating trout is called the Brook Trout or Speckled Trout and is by far the most beautiful trout. Below are three of the most popular ones.
Brook Trout
The brook trout is native to northeastern North America from Georgia to the Arctic. It requires the coldest water temperatures of these trout species. It’s tolerance to both acid and alkaline waters is also greater. In rivers having a mixed-trout population the brookie is most often found in the headwater section and around cold tributary streams.
Brown Trout
The brown trout is native to Europe and has been widely introduced in North America beginning in 1883. It is slightly less tolerant of warm water than the rainbow trout but appears to be more tolerant of habitat degradation and change. It normally occupies the downstream section of streams with mixed-trout populations. The brown trout generally grows larger than the rainbow or brookie reaching upwards of 40 pounds.
Rainbow Trout
The rainbow trout is native to the North American Pacific coast from Northwestern Mexico to Kushowin River in Alaska. This popular gamefish has been widely introduced throughout the world. The migrating rainbow, whether anadromous or lake type, is known as a steelhead.
Rainbow trout are usually used for trout stocking programs providing trout fishing opportunities for tens of thousands of anglers. These opportunities vary from small urban park ponds, to large lakes and rivers and crystal clear mountain streams. Stocked trout are normally cooperative and relatively easy to catch. Trout fishing can be equally enjoyable for kids and grown-ups and novice and avid anglers alike. Trout are a favorite of anglers who enjoy eating a portion of their catch.
How to Catch Trout
There are several common methods and gear types used to fish for trout in streams. Fishing with spinning outfits and fly rods are the most popular. Favorite baits include garden worms, night crawlers, meal worms, corn, fathead minnows, powerbait and salmon eggs. Lures are very effective on trout especially when the waters begin to get warm.
Fly fishing for trout is one of the oldest and perhaps most artistic forms of sport fishing. It is also very challenging to try and “match the hatch” that is, to present a similar looking fly that imitates the insect form that the trout are currently feeding on.
Fishing for stocked trout in lakes or ponds from a boat or shore usually involves the use of bait or lures. Boat anglers generally troll trout spoons and small crank baits or use live bait. Bait anglers generally anchor or drift using a sliding egg sinker or bobber with a number 6 or 8 baitholder hook.
An electronic fish finder is very helpful in determining the preferred depths of suspended trout. Favorite baits include night crawlers, fathead minnows, shiners and herring.
Trout fishing is one of those sports that you can do with the whole family or on your own. It is fun, rewarding and give you that outdoor experience. Before you head out always check in your area for any regulations with regard to openings, licensing etc… and if you are allowed to keep them or if it's a catch and release area.