All About Drum Machine
The drum machine has come a long way since it made its entrance back in the 1930`s. The sound has changed as it has molded with new music.
Drum machines are an electronic instrument used to mimic the sound of real drums. They are used for a variety of reasons and in many types of content. From electronic use to filling in as a drum session for a missing band member,

it can take it all on.
It works by using sequences with playback or a synthesizer that are used in the copying of drum timbres. They can produce unique sounds and can create unique drum beats.
Programming can be done in real time. It functions by creating the drum patterns by pressing on the trigger pads and using the step sequencing. Pattern is created by adding sounds at particular points by placing them along a sixteen step bar.
The drum machine has been around for a while, but hasn`t always been used. In the 1930`s it was called a rhythm machine. They were forgotten about for a while and used later for pre-programmed rhythms such as mambo music and tango. In 1947 Harry Chamberlin created a tape loop based drum machine called the Chamberlin Rhythmate. It used fourteen tape loops with sliding head and allowed for playback of tracks on tape or blending of sounds.
In 1959, Wurlitzer created a device called the Sideman. It was the first ever commercially produced drum machine. It was an electro-mechanical system that used percussive accompaniment for Wurlitzer organ music and range. It offered twelve electronically made predetermined rhythm patterns with variable tempos. Sound was made from vacuum tubes which created ten present electronic drum sounds. The tempo patterns were controlled by a slider that increased rotation of a disc. The Sideman was held together in a cabinet with a speaker and an amplifier.
In 1963, Raymond Scott invented a drum machine called the Bandito. And in the later 1960`s drum machines began to accompany all organs and organists. By the 1970`s many pop stars and music groups were becoming fans and using them in their songs and music.
In the 1980`s programmable drum machines became available, and one began to sell called the LM-1. It had a distinct sound that was picked up by many singers including the singer Prince. It was so popular that drummers were beginning to feel the pinch and started buying them and programming their music into it to stay employed as a drummer. In the later 1980`s a company created the DMX which took the likening of many hip hop stars and was heard in many hip hop songs of the 80`s.
Now it is uncommon to find it that stands on its own. These days most drum machines are software based. They offer sequencing and sampling and use of loops and music workstations. The workstations use sequencing and drum sounds to create the sound effect.
Drum machines have certainly come along way. It is amazing to see how they have emerged over the years to come to the electronic sound that we hear today. It is an integral part of music and can be heard in many types of music, from hip hop to organ music. It has also made its way too many keyboard designs allowing players to mimic the sound of drums as they play the keyboard. The drum machine offers a sound as unique as they come.