Android App Development Tips for First Time Developers
As a mobile application developer if you want to be a successful name in the mobile market, learning the tricks of building for the Android operating system is necessary. This is because of the fact that Android has surpassed the other OS platforms of iOS, Windows Phone, etc. in terms of popularity among enterprises and individuals.
As a mobile application developer if you want to be a successful name in the mobile market,

learning the tricks of building for the Android operating system is necessary. This is because of the fact that Android has surpassed the other OS platforms of iOS, Windows Phone, etc. in terms of popularity among enterprises and individuals. It is true that Android was the highest selling operating system of year 2012, and if predictions of mobile market researchers are to be believed, the number of users of the platform will rise with the passage of years. To gain expertise and experience working on the Android OS platform as a first time developer, follow the below mentioned tips:
Learn SQL – Knowledge of SQL is a must for building robust and good quality apps for the Android platform. The storage system of Android is SQLite based and hence it is necessary from the perspective of an app developer to be well acquainted with SQL. Once the developer has a thorough knowledge of SQL, he/she can create stable mobile applications that will protect app data in spite of disruptions in the working of the platform itself. It is well known that running Android saps the battery life of mobile devices very quickly. With thorough knowledge of SQL, a developer will know how the Android UI and its database query results will connect directly, thereby diminishing the possibility of losing app data if the device shuts down unexpectedly.
Breakup Large Android Apps – Even as a beginner in the world of Android application development, you may have to work on large apps where the project requirements are complex. Handling such large projects would mean difficulty of coding the app. It is suggested that one large app be divided into several parts. It then becomes easier to write the app code; as a developer, you would also require limited resources and be able to load a smaller Android application faster.
Learn and Use Android Rules – Every major OS platform has a set of rules and regulations for the developers to follow in order to promote the creation of good quality apps. Though innovation is welcome, it should not come from a first time Android developer at the expense of ignoring the platform designing norms. Therefore, beginners should have a fair idea about how to ensure an Android app to start, how to stop, and also how to restart it effectively. If the workability issues of the Android platform are not worked out by you, there is a possibility that the app created will be a failure in the market.
Be Particular about the Tools Used for Development – Expensive software and hardware tools are not required for building your first Android app. Use of a Mac, Windows PC, or any other Linux is suggested to a first time developer. Use of tools like Android SDK, Eclipse, and ADT Plugin are also compulsory. These are available for free, and hence the developer does not have to worry about resources available. When designing apps for Android powered tablets, use ‘Allow USB Debugging’ setting for creating better quality mobile applications.
The above were few of the most essential tips that first time developers for the Android platform need to keep in mind. Digressing from the tips will lead to failure of the Android apps.