Damages on the FX Network - A Great Story with an Award Winning Cast
I would certainly recommend purchasing a HDTV, so you can enjoy your show in the best quality possible. A superior block of programming in both digital and hi-def is available from my local Comcast Cable provider.
Addiction can be a terrible thing. It becomes a problem which leaves you craving more. Damages,

which has won star Glen Close both an Emmy and Golden Globe, shows this truth in a brutal light. Close is not the only one on Damages so honored. Many of the actors, creators, and writers on Damages have been recognized for their outstanding work.
Glenn Close stars as Patty Hewes, a high stakes litigator with the law firm Hewes and Associates. She, again, is the person you love to hate, a part she portrays so well. Here appears Ellen Parsons, portrayed by actress Rose Byrne, who is a newly-minted graduate that turned down lucrative offers from other firms for an opportunity to work with Patty Hewes. While their personalities are disparate, they agree that they'll never be controlled by anyone else. As these characters evolve, you see some amazing performances.
The creators of Damages use innovative techniques to intersperse past events, the present, and the future in a unique presentation that just simply works. If you miss even a minute of this show, you are likely to miss a key plot development. You must remain focused to keep up with the twisting storyline as it develops. And it's important to be observant. Take for example the moment in the shows beginning episode when Ray Fiske examines the collar worn by Saffron. Characters come and go and you are expected to remember them. You should be aware that at least one person you like will be gone. In the series you never know who will come back for the next episode. Damages has a first season run of 13 shows, but only some of the starting cast will comeback for a second series.
Will I continue to be addicted to Damages? Is it possible for the show's creators to continue to generate such enjoyable material? Are there still more twists and turns left to fill another season or two with such intense intrigue? Wishing is all we can do! If you love Damages like I do, make sure you tune in every week so we can keep this tremendous show on the air and going strong for years to come.
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