BocaenBoca Bluehacking Software for Cell Mobile Phones

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BocaEnBoca s promoters observed a great interest from mobile phones users, to send messages, photos and videos between the nearest friends, in a easily and free way.


They offer a software for bluetooth mobile phones,BocaenBoca Bluehacking Software for Cell Mobile Phones Articles to send messages, photos and videos between the nearest friends, in a easily and free way.

Certainly, thus that has been demonstrated with phenomena like bluehacking make rage in the United Kingdom, consisting on sending messages, photos and videos through bluetooth with mobile phones.

Juan Anacabe, person in charge of BocaEnBoca, said:

It is to be thankful that Bluetooth was created in order to users to wireless connect electronic devices with each other as mobile phones, PDAs, computers, MP3 players, hands-free, video games consoles, offering therefore a great comfort for the users.

There is a field in which users demand more from connection facilities offered by Bluetooth, as it is communication with other users, sharing messages, photos and videos in mobility, widely spreading them between the nearest friends, in order to participate in their opinions, proposals, recommendations, and interests.

Known as bluehaking, there is a simple way to send messages, with bluetooth mobile phones, consisting in creating a new address contact, writing down the message in contact fields & then sending the address contact to other bluetooth mobile phones through bluetooth.

This technic is populary used by teens, in order to pick up mates in busy places as underground, but last on offering private messaging, group messaging and simply should be easier as contact address have not been thougth for that solution.

As well, user allways can send their photos and videos through bluetooth, if they are not private ones, one by one, that could benefit from group sharing.

Asked about the characteristics that must prioritize in a service that allows to send messages, photos and videos with mobile phones through bluetooth.

He responds that it must be extremely easy for users to present his interests between all his friends, which supposes that should be possible to free send at once to his groups of friends, who he desire, the messages, photos and videos.

In addition, the privacy is due to preserve at all costs, what implies, that these private messages, photos and videos cannot be intercepted by other users, and that these cannot exposed to third users, example of this last one would be, that a photo which you have sent to friends in particular cannot end up resend itself to who you do not wish that sees it.

BocaEnBoca has made specific all it in a software for bluetooth mobile phones, that allows users to assign messages, photos and videos that it has in his mobile phone, to its groups of friends, and black lists of blocked users, so that they are sent in chain through bluetooth between friends easily, free and privately.

Anacabe affirms that there are currently millions of users, sending messages, photos and videos between its friends through bluetooth using thier mobile phones, being software BocaEnBoca the only proposal that takes care of their specific needs and wishes.

The software, at the present moment, it does not have a cost defined for the moment of its commercial launching, around the 14.50 euro in a unique payment, no mensuals fees, although it is intention of the promoters to posibly be free, offering itself with sponsors endorsement.

Users can download a Alpha version, under current development, in the page Web of the company
