Cheap Mobile Mysteries: What Is A Li-On Battery?
Have you ever wondered how cheap mobile phones work? Well come with us on a voyage of discovery as we learn about Lion batteries and how they are good for phones.
What is Li-on Battery and how it works?
Li-on battery works with the help of Lithium ions which moves from the negative to positive electrode and hence,

known as Li-on Battery. It is very successful in recent past years because of its high performance, low cost and safety characteristics. It is commonly used in mobile phones nowadays and are very successful.
Difference between Li-on and Ordinary Batteries?
There are lot of things changed since the introduction of Li-on Batteries as they are way better than the old batteries. It has much more power than normal aqueous batteries. They have more capacity of storing the charge and for a long time. It comes in various sizes and shapes and hence it became really easy to use it in every electronic device like Mobile phones, Laptops, PDAs etc. It is much lighter in the weight than other type of batteries. The only thing which needs to care is that the battery should not be mistreated like overcharging or overheated.
Battery Lifespan of Li-on Batteries?
There is much more life of battery when you use Li-on batteries because it has much more lifespan than the other normal batteries. If it is not mistreated and used normally than it has a lifespan of about 4-6 years or maybe beyond that, all depends upon how you use it provided that it should not be overheated or overcharged. It is ideal for mobile phones and mp3 players or even PDAs and Laptops which need higher lifespan both in terms of backup time and overall lifespan of the batteries.
Capacity of Li-on batteries?
There are different ways of measuring the capacity of Li-on batteries. For example if they are used for mobile phones, the capacity would be measured by the talk time or a stand by time of mobile phone. It would suggest that how much this battery is capable of giving back-up which is needed for these devies. Same goes for Laptops and PDAs, if the Li-on batteries are used for Laptops they would last for 2-3 hours at maximum, this means that the Li-on batteries are at full montage and are capable of doing it so for the long time maybe 4-6 years.
Questions to be asked before using Li-on Batteries in Phones?
•Is there any guarantee of the Li-on batteries?
•How much the phone would work, and what conditions are required to utilize the battery for a long time?
•If battery would be overcharged or overheated, would it be replaced? Or if I would look to buy a new battery, would it be affordable?
What should you do now?
After knowing the plus points of these Li-on batteries, you can definitely go for the phones having these Li-on batteries as they are giving you a higher performance that would help you in every aspect.