Everyone has been writing about the impacts, benefits, that and that of cloud computing and many other similar topics. However, many off-the-league topics are standing around the core topic bearing the same importance as the main topic when discussed.
Everyone has been writing about the impacts,

benefits, that and that of cloud computing and many other similar topics. However, many off-the-league topics are standing around the core topic bearing the same importance as the main topic when discussed. Cloud collaborating is one such issue that is as important as cloud computing itself, but for some unknown reasons, it has been sidelined. Let us conduct a fairly detailed study of the collaborative cloud.
If researched deeply, we would come to that collaboration concept has been brewing for around a decade now. It started with the Internet, getting more advanced, people embracing message boards, wiki, news feeds and emails. Since then, it has expanded to overcome more collaborators like mobile, broadband and applications like business oriented social media and video calling. At the present moment, the cloud collaboration is at its topmost pace as the newly arrived cloud delivered, collaboration focused strategies and applications have achieved broader adoption as they have delivered some fascinating outcomes. We know that good collaborative tools can change the world from every aspect. Because of real time visible inputs to the documents, progress can be made spontaneously and if this gets executed in a cloud then, employees can contribute from anywhere without requiring expensive infrastructure.
This issue is accumulating more importance as BYOD culture is on a rise. Now companies do not restrict their employees from working remotely until, their absence hampers company's productivity. Modern day companies are planning their strategies to allow enhanced collaboration and coordination between internal employees and external employees such as finance, research and development, supply chain, production, marketing, logistics and IT. This has made cloud, the most capable method of managing the evolution effectively and in every other way that would help it in increasing revenue. Here are a few benefits of a cloud-based collaboration.
1. Accelerates business outcomes –Business initiatives are implemented quickly, if a business is using cloud based collaborative agility. A report released by Cisco says that two out of every three executives are hailing cloud based collaboration tools. As far as CIOs are concerned, this percentage rises up to 82 percent.
2. Collaboration across time zones and physical boundaries – In the same report, 55 percent people said that cloud based solutions are not just an evolution but also a completely new innovation in collaborative effectiveness. This percentage rises to 87 percent, when the same question is placed before CIOs. Numerous companies are using cloud based collaborative tools to surpass not only the physical boundaries but also functional specifications. Statistics reveal that this feature is the most influential reason behind its ability to accelerate business results.
3. Enables efficient business process – The report that I referred above reveals the 55 percent executives and 90 percent CIOs agree that cloud collaboration tools are effective enough to enhance any business process. In some cases, these improvements are empathetic as they result in greater understanding and refining of the work process. Whereas in some cases, where efficiency accrues from a more connected and thus, more closely aligned, cooperative and motivated workforce, these differences are indirect.
4. Generates profound or disruptive information – Most collaborated cloud computing users believe that this concept has the power to stimulate innovation. We can think of enhanced collaboration as a means to harness a wider range of functional and geographical resources. Because of cloud delivery, collaborative tools are now omnipresent and allow innovators to connect and be more productive and process oriented.
In the future, as more and more connections are generated and nurtured, greater understandings will be achieved, better ideas would generate and chances of reaching the best position to make things happen would increase automatically.