Current Trends in Hotel Payment System

Apr 7


Bruce Markey

Bruce Markey

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Hotel Payment System offers an end-to-end platform that allows businesses to easily experiment without sacrificing usability, security, or consistency.


Metrics such as occupancy and revenue likely will return to pre-pandemic levels,Current Trends in Hotel Payment System Articles but the hospitality industry has forever changed. Currently, there are three trends in play that are influencing the shape of things to come. And although it may not be immediately evident, having a robust and complete Hotel Payment System will be integral to fully capitalize on these marketplace dynamics. Let’s discuss them

Trend 1 – A More Personal, Yet Independent Guest Journey

The first is an evolving guest journey. The guests themselves have changed, and their expectations are different. They now insist upon a certain degree of high-tech and low-touch options. Their mantra: know my preferences but give me my independence and flexibility. An integrated payments platform lets guests pay with maximum convenience and minimal touch, while giving hoteliers key insights. For instance, by using a payments platform that supports card tokenization, returning guests can check-in and pay even more seamlessly (without compromising security). They can also skip the checkout queue without worrying about the hotel pursuing them for an unsettled bill.

Trend 2 – The Continuous Search for Non-Room Revenue

As the industry recovers, the search for ways to bolster non-room revenues will intensify. Whether it’s promoting hotel rooms as co-working spaces, Staycations, culinary experiences, or just vouchers and gift cards – we expect the industry to pursue a variety of initiatives to diversify revenue. But such efforts will require different payment environments – and the need for a flexible payments infrastructure. For example, the ability to seamlessly switch to per-hour billing might become a new staple.

One of the best sources of valuable insights comes from payments data. But there are challenges to glean them. Data needs to be mapped back to individual guest profiles, broken down by category, and evaluated using the necessary analytics to help guide the next move. Having a single platform for Hotel Payment System that can sit across the entire payment value chain is the key to overcoming these data issues.

Trend 3 – Using Automation to Boost Efficiency

Labor shortages are hampering the industry’s recovery and leading to the rise of automation to improve efficiency. A top Hotelier noted recently that 20 percent of employees in travel and tourism globally have permanently left the segment calling it among the most significant challenges we have to navigate.

This is where high-tech, low-touch options such as contactless check-ins can play a role – not just on the front end, but on the back end as well. They can free up limited staff and direct them toward areas where high-touch is a core part of the experience. Such automation will be critical to managing the resurgence in guest volume.

Having a payments platform that accommodates this switch will be essential. And because hotels will make different choices regarding the level of automation that best fits their needs, payment platforms must be flexible enough to support multiple variations. Flexibility is paramount in a complex, fast-changing landscape. As a chief commercial officer of a reputed hotel recently reflected on the lessons of the pandemic – being comfortable with experimentation is crucial. But such experimentation must rest on a robust foundation.