Have you wanted to upgrade your regular cable to digital cable and then someone confused you by saying you should ditch the cable all together and go with a satellite system? Then this article was meant for you! We are going to compare some of the very basic things between cable and dish network.
While satellite service is growing in demand and gaining popularity across the U.S. most people are still more apt to pick cable without realizing what they can possibly be missing out on what satellite television has to offer!
Satellite VS Cable Programming:
Cable television typically handles up to 260 different channels while Satellite TV and Dish Network are set up to handle many more channels. Satellite television is also more advanced in HDTV (High Definition Television). Yet another aspect of satellite that is growing in leaps and bounds.
Dish Network VS Cable Equipment:
A cable TV system requires the cable be installed from within the network to your home. Depending on where you live you may not even realize that there are still many areas that aren’t equipped for both Dish Network and cable television. Along with the cable wire you will need a receiver that is usually provided by the cable company. If you are upgrading from regular cable to digital you will then need an additional receiver.
A Dish Network system requires a satellite dish as well as a receiver and a cable from the dish to the back of your television. The best part is, no digging in your back yard to lay wire down! Dish Network is definitely less hassle for installation!
Dish Network Reception VS Cable Reception:
Dish Network is digital which means you get a crisper, clearer picture. However, one downside to satellite service is very heavy rain, or snow can interrupt your reception for an unspecified time depending on the weather and how long it lasts. In most cases occurrences are rare. Overall reception is better with Dish Network.Cable television is set up of analog channels, even if you upgrade to digital you still receive analog quality which means a fuzzy picture.
Dish Network Pricing VS Cable Pricing:
In most areas you will find that Dish Network is less expensive than that of cable service. In part, the difference in price is related to Cable franchise fees, taxes and costs for pay per view movies and equipment costs.
Dish Network programming packages start as low as only $29.99 a month with many different channel options and services! Usually Satellite TV is less expensive than Cable TV due to many additional costs that are related to Cable TV such as: franchise fees, taxes, plus costs for any pay per view services, and equipment costs. Dish Network Programming Packages start at only $29.99 per month.
Dish Network Interactive Services:
A definite plus and bonus to having Dish Network compared to cable television is a DVR (Digital Video Recorder) which allows you to rewind while recording (without a tape!) live broadcasts, sitcoms and your favorite movies. This isn’t yet possible with cable service. Once you go DVR you can’t go back, its simply amazing!
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In short T1 is a dedicated phone connection that supports data rates of 1.544M per second. T1 consists of 24 different channels, each supporting 54K per second. Each different T1 channel can be configured to carry voice or data traffic. Depending on your area and your phone company, they will allow you to buy some of the different channels – known as fractional T1 access. T1 service is a popular leased line for businesses that connect to the Internet for Internet service that then connects to the Internet backbone. T1 internet connections consist of the local loop charge (the phone circuit that connects your location to the Internet point of presence (POP) and the actual Internet bandwidth access port charge.