Time Warner Cable is the right choice for you. You will get the most out of your cable TV, Internet and phone service when you subscribe to Time Warner Cable.
Choosing the right cable company can take some investigation. Go ahead,

and check out the other cable companies, I am sure you will agree, When you choose this company, having the convenience of one bundle with all three services is only the beginning.
Road Runner High Speed Broadband From Time Warner Cable Will Provide You With The Best Broadband Available
When choosing Road Runner Internet from Time Warner Cable, the Internet service you receive is not just high speed, it's dependable too! The Internet connection is on all the time so there is no waiting to go on line. You will save time with this and you will be on the Internet even faster.
Watch for the specials that the cable company runs regularly and get your service connected then to score even bigger savings. For instance, in some cases the promotion will offer you high speed internet for $29.99 for 6 months. It's nice to have someone trying to save you some money. With some promotional offers, a free cable modem and wireless router is included. In today's inflationary times, who wouldn't appreciate being able to save money by upgrading to a better company?
Entertainment Doesn't Get Better Than Time Warner Cable Digital HD Television
Time Warner Cable television provides up to 275 channels that guarantee the clearest picture and the best sound in the business. With OnDemand, DVR, HD, and other extras, you'll never have to miss another show. Time Warner Cable's installation fees are very reasonable. You will not be expected to sign a contract that keeps you tied up to this service for a year or longer. It is completely up to you. Select the services, options and service length which are right for your needs.
The equipment you need can be leased from Time Warner Cable at not additional charge. With Time Warner Cable you always have easy access to local weather, news, and sports channels. There is no extra charge to carry stations to you that are in your local viewing area.
Stop Paying Outrageous Monthly Bills With Flat Rate Calling From Time Warner Cable
In the world today, a telephone is not a luxury, it is really needed. Whether your call is around the corner or to the opposite coast, you will never pay more than your agreed upon monthly charges. Time Warner Cable gives you a tone of great features and options with its phone service at no extra cost to you. There will be no extra charges for great features like call waiting, caller ID, speed dial, and enhanced 911.
You will not have to pay to switch your service to Time Warner Cable like some other companies may charge for that service. A 30 day guarentee backs your Time Warner Cable phone service. With Time Warner Cable, your phone number can stay the same. Keep your own telephone, since no new equipment is needed.