The four definitive trends listed in the National Association of Wholesalers-Distributors’ publication Facing the Forces of Change are fairly straightforward, although meeting these customer expectations often proves difficult for an unprepared distributor. Learn to successfully cope with these trends is often assisted through the implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software package, which is a critical first step for wholesale distributors.
In Facing the Forces of Change (available at the four trends are detailed:
Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Toledo, Ohio, Technology Group International ( is a proven technology leader delivering Tier 1 application software functionality at a price performance level that can be readily accepted by wholesale distribution organizations of all sizes. A best-of-breed ERP software solution provides the basic footprint for managing the four trends outlined and Enterprise 21 offers functionality well beyond that of the standard distribution package. Enterprise 21 provides full ERP functionality with a fully integrated e-commerce module. It is one of the few ERP systems to meet the needs of today’s wholesale distribution without the need for expensive and time consuming modifications.
Technology Group International
Rebecca Gill
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