© 2004, John ... surfers aren't always too ... ... software on their ... ... free software that they don't ... ... With al
© 2004, John Calder
Today's surfers aren't always too comfortable installing software on their computers. Especially free software that they don't necessarily understand. With all the horror stories of viruses, spyware, and adware that make the front page these days, it's no wonder.
So is there any way an Internet marketer can introduce a custom toolbar to their customers and prospects? Something they will actually download and use? Whether marketing to a consumer niche, or to other marketers, toolbars have the potential to keep you and your audience connected. They're a great way of extending relationship marketing to the customer's desktop. After all, some of the net's biggest players like Google and Yahoo offer them. Is there a way they can be effective for you too?
As with any of your other products, free or for sale, you have to build credibility and trust in your visitor's mind. This is even more important given the overall fear of software downloads today. Most of the standard techniques to gain trust should work, but you may need to use a combination of all of them for some visitors.
Lots of screenshots will help create comfort and familiarity with the toolbar, and clearly show the benefits the visitor can expect to receive. Perhaps even more powerful for software in particular is a screen-capture video. Can you show exactly how the toolbar is installed, and more importantly, how it's used? There's probably nothing so powerful for your customers as seeing your software installed and running on your own computer.
Don't forget to include testimonials from other users of your toolbar and your other products if you have them. Audio and written details describing the installation and use of your software will go a long way towards helping your customers overcome any misgivings they may have.
Interviews: One of the Easiest Products to Create
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© 2004, John ... all heard of the idea of multiple streams of income, if from no other source, then from Robert Allen's books on that topic. But what does it really mean