The enterprise mobility concept will reach its maximum force in a few years and business owners are trying their best to make hay while the sun of mobility is shining at its brightest. They have been adopting mobility hurriedly to improve their efficiency and results.
The enterprise mobility concept will reach its maximum force in a few years and business owners are trying their best to make hay while the sun of mobility is shining at its brightest. They have been adopting mobility hurriedly to improve their efficiency and results. However,

many of them are unable to use this concept to its fullest because of some misconceptions that they have in their minds. To use mobile apps to their utmost potential, it is important to thoroughly understand and keep a very clear vision about them. Through this compilation, I am trying to bust the myths that business owners have about this concept.
Myth # 1: Businesses have recognized mobility's role in consumer marketing, customer touch points and other consumer centric points and that is why they adopted it quickly. They believe that mobility concept is only effectual in pulling consumers and that is myth number one. Mobility plays an evenly important role when it comes of B2E (Business to Employee) or B2B (Business to Business) and promises better ROI in this area. Businesses should use it in a balanced way in both consumer centric activities and employee's centric activities.
Myth # 2: for business owners, mobility means just the IT section of the office. Let me tell that by relegating mobility to the IT department only, you are missing out few important areas that could yield you broader benefits. No doubt, you will have to take few very crucial decisions like whether to rely on singular platform or go with BYOD concept, which programming environment to choose to get apps built, how to implement robust security system and many others. However, don’t regard these issues as a nuisance but as a part of mobile approach.
Myth # 3 – Though smart phones, and other smart devices play a very important role in spreading mobility, but a business owner should consider them just as an assistive tool rather than the soul of the entire setup. Businesses should harness the real time and anywhere attributes of mobile devices and use them to share and access operational data, location, content-based information and content rich media.
Myth # 4 – Many businesses consider that mobility means leading the race of having more apps in app stores. Sadly, this is a myth and as a reputed app development company, we encourage business owners to get lesser apps that are capable of bringing significant changes in the lives of the users. We counsel them to think bigger and yield better revenue by getting business centric apps rather than trying hands in every sphere of mobile apps.
Apart from the above-mentioned notable myths, different business owners have different myths and a very widespread myth is that the tablets are going to take over the enterprises. Records show that 30 percent employees will be using tablets in their offices by the end of current fiscal year. However 80 percent of these tablets owners use their personal tablets and this infiltration will decrease as the time passes.
A good number of business owners feel that cloud based apps are not a feasible option, which is completely a myth. Surveys say that cloud-based apps is one of top four IT priorities in the coming two years and around 50 percent US based companies will adopt cloud for their mobile apps. My advice is that companies should not shy away from cloud apps but make sure that they are deploying it carefully and strategically.
In the end, I would repeat what I wrote in the beginning that business owners should clear all their misconceptions before starting to think about adopting mobility. This will not only help them adopt mobility in a better way, use it to its best but also give better quality services to the end users.