How Can You Build a Mobile App in 10 Days With React Native?

Oct 7


Saugat Halder

Saugat Halder

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Developers often choose different platforms to create Android and iOS apps and dive deep to get the most out of that programming language. It requires a lot of effort and time as developers need to create separate code for both Android and iOS apps. But the introduction of React Native made it far easier by allowing developers to build cross-platform mobile apps with


It’s true that React Native is well-known for creating multi-platform mobile apps but do you know that you can develop an app with React Native only in 10 days?

So,How Can You Build a Mobile App in 10 Days With React Native? Articles know how best React Native app developers create a mobile app by investing 10 days.

1. Install React Native

Generally, the project starts by sketching out the idea of the app. You can skip it to save your time but you’ve to be so sure about your app idea and objective. Here, you can consider installing the React as your first step. When you go through the “Get Started Documentation,” you’ll get to know what else you need to download to start working with React Native.

To get started, you can either:

  • Create React Native App
  • Build React Native app from CLI (Command Line Code belongs to React Native community). You can start with it by creating an account on Github.

To know more read the entire “Get Started Documentation”. 

2. Create Folder Structure

Once you’re done with installing React Native aspects, you need to set up a few mandatory folders.

These folders are the staircase for fast and efficient cross-platform app development. 

Also, before creating such folders, make sure to do a little homework. 

To start:

  • Add the main folder in the root called “app”
  • Next, move the App.js file into the root of the app
  • Update index.js and then import statement to import App from ./app/App.js
  • Now, create other folders inside the app root
  1. Here, you need to create the folder assets with subfolders including directory, animations, and images. 
  2. Next, you’ll have components where you can keep all the shared components.
  3. And then you need to have a config folder where you can set up themes and colors for your app. 

3. Decide App Screens

App screens are the most interactive part that helps users navigate through and explore the entire app. Suppose you want to create a ride-sharing app, you’ll need the following screens:

  • A pickup and drop screen with location access
  • Types of vehicles you want to choose from (Mini, Micro, Premium, etc.)
  • Driver availability screen with a payment estimation
  • Confirm drive screen

Set your app goals and start creating these screens by integrating the accurate React Native syntax.

4. Integrate Navigation Functionality

Only creating an app screens doesn’t work anymore as these will never work until connected. Being a React Native app developer, your task is to create seamless navigation for all the app screen pages. It’s the phase where you have to be focused on delivering well-interconnected navigation to all the pages so when a user comes to your app he/she shouldn’t get confused. In short, every step would be a piece of cake for them, no clutter should be there.

To get this done efficiently, you need to include the React Navigation library.

5. Integrate Additional Functionality

Your app is almost ready to launch but still, you want something else to add for the users’ convenience, you need to add it right now. Integrate the functionality and test the app you’ve developed in the shortest time possible.

It’s Time to Develop Your Next App With React Native

If you follow the above-mentioned steps in a systematic way, you can easily create an app with React Native in 10 days. Now it’s up to you how fast you understand the procedure and develop an app that works best for your target users.