How HTML5 Scores over Native Apps for Building Enterprise Apps
The advent of smart phones and other smart devices like tablets, phablets has initiated an unquenchable craze for mobiles apps and mobility across business owners as well. In earlier times, the mobile app development was possible by cresting an app on the respective mobile platform environment and this procedure was known as native mobile app development.
The advent of smart phones and other smart devices like tablets,

phablets has initiated an unquenchable craze for mobiles apps and mobility across business owners as well. In earlier times, the mobile app development was possible by cresting an app on the respective mobile platform environment and this procedure was known as native mobile app development. Now at present, a relatively smarter and newer technology is emerging as a Numero Uno choice as a mobile application development tool. The best attribute of this tool is that it is easy to use, cost effective and has the potential to make powerful enterprise applications. This platform is known as HTML5, and is now widely used as a mobile app development tool by app development companies across the globe.
The modus operandi of HTML5 is quite easy to understand as it involves creating web pages that can be read easily on the smaller screens of smart phones. Web pages built on HTML5 give the same feel as of pages of any native mobile app but they have many other advantages. The biggest advantage is that we can the pages developed in HTML5/JavaScript/CSS 3 not only on mobile devices but also on desktops, laptops and notebooks with the same effectiveness and clarity. With this biggest quality, the app developers from across the world are going gaga about using HTML5 for mobile app development. If compared to native apps, the only point where HTML5 apps lag behind is the highly engaging animation that is possible in native apps. Otherwise, apps developed in HTML5 stand way ahead of native apps. Let us review this in following pointers.
There are very strong development activities that work in favour of HTML5. Ever since the inception of HTML5, there has been a lot of continuous development of tools and resources that are making HTML5 app development better and easier. These tools make HTML5 apps achieve cross browser compatibility, which adds to its efficiency and usability. iUI can be illustrated as an appropriate example. The iPhone UI framework has the same look and feel as of apps built using iPhone SDK with the added benefits of being used on browser of both smart phones and desktop PCs.
Resources – Native apps can be deployed as a stand-alone application that is capable of using the resources of the machine's firmware. This stands nowhere before the fact that HTML5 mobile apps can be downloaded even from the web.
Compatibility – App developers engaged in building native apps have to select a platform like iOS, Android, Windows or Blackberry to develop and deploy the app. For example, apps made in iOS SDK would run only on iOS enabled devices. Here too, HTML5 leads the way as apps developed in HTML5 can run effectively on every platform without any technical misconduct. Businesses who have less capital to invest on mobility strategy can utilize this concept to make a far-reaching impact with the use of HTML5 apps.
Monetization model – For business owners, deployment of apps made in HTML5 makes much more business sense than at an Apple app store. They can save 30 percent money, which is to be given to Apple as a fee by making apps in HTML5 and distribute them freely over the Internet.
In conclusion, all I would say that I have observed clients coming to us and asking to build apps in HTML5 language. This helps them in developing a fully functional and a comprehensive mobile strategy. Consistency of the web elements and uniformity in functionality of the web pages across various smart phones and tablet devices makes the favour tilting towards using HTML5. In these circumstances, the future of HTML5 looks bright, as it expects technological advancements and community supports continue to come to make the future even better.