For the cloud customers, security is still one of the most significant concerns. As most of the business have now planned to transit their mainstream Cloud based I.T operations on Mobile- ready operations, it has generated the cover of security vulnerabilities in the organizations. In fact, the adoption of Cloud and mobile computing is getting enhanced, while it is the majority of organizations and enterprises that are adopting this trend. Still the general public needs to understand the immense importance of the consequences of a cyber attack, as well as the plan ahead to excel in any such incident.
How Can Mobile App Developers Monetize Their Products
Mobile application development is over $25 billion industry annually and is growing at a fast pace. Smartphones are the way of the future and have become the tool by which people access information on the go and communicate with each other. Mobile applications are considered to be the soul of any smartphone. Which is why due to the surge in the smartphones market, there has also been an exponential growth in the mobile application development industry.HTML5 VS FLASH …WHOSE BEST IS YET TO ANSWER !
HTML5 is booming in every mobile technology these days.Legal Marketing via Mobile Apps- A New Trend!!
Are you a proud owner of a legal advisors organization?Being more experienced than your competitor are you amazed to see his success in short span of time?Have you heard about something like mobile application development and marketing from your colleagues?Most of are in dilemma while making answers for these questions. It is because being from a Legal industry background we are quite reluctant to believe that how were a mobile application can actually bring change in the reputation and business of the Legal advisors.