Health and fitness go hand in hand. If you have a good fitness regime, your health is taken care of. With the rising concern about fitness, technology is evolving greatly in this field. It is not only youngsters who are keeping track of the steps that they take every day, the rate of their heartbeat or the time given for a good sleep after work. The fitness mania and health concerns are also getting imbibed into the older generation as well. This is mainly due to the ease of monitoring health that technology has provided in the form of wearables.
Wearable technology and health
Wearables technology is part and parcel of a healthy lifestyle. Senior citizens or aged people feel the need of monitoring how much blood is gushing into their heart, what is their glucose level and so on. Additionally, the lack of time and hectic schedule comes as a big excuse for regular check-ups at clinics and labs. The ease of taking a glance at your wrist to know if you are in good health is a great blessing that the aged generation looks out for. With the advance of technology, the older generation has also adapted themselves to such technologies that benefit them immensely.
In addition to the personal benefits that one gets, the parameters measured through such wearables also benefit the doctors during health check-ups. It will be easy to determine the root cause of any kind of irregularities in one’s health. The health care community has found great potential in such accurate insights in patient activity. Such data helps in taking preventative measures and strategies, analyze tests better with the data as a background. It is estimated that by 2018, over 130 million wearable devices will be shipped to consumers. This is a positive outlook about wearables and perhaps the best application for the health care sector.
Impact on health care industry
However, the health care industry might find it challenging to get an in-depth insight with some basic data provided by wearables. Though data could be collected and fitness tracker comparison could be done for a patient, there is a need for better alignment of wearable technology into the health care industry. The penetration needs to be more focused and in-depth with the help of better networks that allows information access and provides full support on the back end. Health care forums could be held where awareness could be created on using wearable devices on a regular basis. Health care communities could be created wherein people with similar interests could pool in, to crowd-source valuable health information. Such information could be used to analyze the health condition of a population as a whole based on age, region and so on. Trends could be analyzed and recommendations could be made on health, based on such data.
Gathering data is easy but combining the data and making it complete is an art. Wearables provide essentially real-time data and help to manage or treat an individual’s health. The contribution of wearable in the healthcare sector has been limited and yet to become full-fledged owing to reasons such as lack of awareness, lack of knowledge on technology and much more.
5 Reasons Why People Like Fitbit Smartwatch
Fitbit doesn't usually call its wristbands as best smart watch. They use to call the Blaze as a "Fitness Watch" and Surge as "super watch", but the right name is activity trackers. Fitbit doesn't support multiple applications like a smartwatch, but it offers many of their fitness-measuring features and design styles. Why people love smartwatches, let us have a look.5 factors to look before buying a smartwatch
Dozens of big companies, upstarts as well as traditional ones are creating smartwatches to deliver notifications, apps and more to your wrist. Although features and designs vary, the main appeal of a smartwatch is that it can save you time. Whether you want to quickly check incoming messages or control your music, you'll be able to glance down at your wrist instead of having to whip out and unlock your phone. Some smartwatches even work independently of a phone, but most are designed as companion devices.Top 5 Technologies That You Can Wear
Wearable technology is the hottest thing in technology right now. The little wrist-based screens are dragging timepieces into the 21st century and shifting the buzzing, binging and bonging of modern life away from our phones.