Mobile Apps – The Present and Future of Enterprises
If you start searching for a business that do not own a mobile app or has not deployed mobile devices, I am sure you will none. Today, almost every company owner owns a smart phone or a tablet app to help his employees and consumers in some way or the other.
If you start searching for a business that do not own a mobile app or has not deployed mobile devices,
I am sure you will none. Today, almost every company owner owns a smart phone or a tablet app to help his employees and consumers in some way or the other. This technology has now become an old hat for most of the organizations.
The reason behind this is quite simple. The security features come integrated within the operating system of the devices that are used in the organizations. This solves the security related puzzle held by the authorities and IT administrators. However, business owners should not think that the risk is over for them as there are many issues to be confronted before the mobility culture runs smoothly in their organizations. From running his/her brain to control corporate wireless spends to drafting and letting everyone know of the usage policies, this technology make sure that the IT manager don’t sit free even for a second.
In the area of mobile apps and mobile apps management is one area that seeks constant attention from business owners or the IT administrators. Smart phones and tabs are the best thing innovated by us but they are nothing more than showpieces, if there are no apps on them to bring smart phones and tablets into use by the enterprises. If bulky PCs and printer's were the past of enterprises, smart phones and apps installed in them are the present and the future. A research conducted in 2012 revealed that business owners are adopting mobility in a hurry and they have varied reasons for this.
1. Around 63 percent business owners said that they adopted mobility because they found it cost effective
2. Around 51 percent business owners adopted mobility to increase productivity of their businesses
3. Around 50 percent business owners adopted it because they found it helpful in increasing the efficiency of the employees
4. More than 43 percent business owners say that the reason behind adopting mobility was to compete neck to neck with the competitors
Business owners were the first to realize the tactical significance of mobile apps and started using them for professional purposes. They initiated a new trend called "enterprise mobile apps". The sector of enterprise mobile apps began to flourish immediately and Apple announced that enterprise mobile apps section was the fastest growing section in its app store recording the growth of 186 percent in 2009-10. Definitely, the enterprise mobile apps segment has gleaming days ahead and it is predicted that it will generate the sales revenue of more than USD 40 billion by the year 2016. The manufacturing sector will be the biggest contributor in this, as it will generate 23 percent of the total enterprise apps revenue until 2016.
These statistics reveal that smart phones and tablets will be the new rulers of enterprise sector and apps installed in them will be their most trusted army generals. However, this will force business owners to keep priority over mobile apps management and keeping track of app's usage to make sure that they are accessed easily and put a significant amount of impact on the end users.
The message from the statistics mentioned above is very clear that the time as come to switch to mobile apps and work on how to manage them. There was no time when so many opportunities were there for end users to select from. At present Apple's app store has more than 6,50,000 apps whereas Android displays around 8,50,000 as of April 2013.