Mobile Analysis Provides Mobility for Project-Based Manufacturers
“Truly anywhere anytime mobility is a big advantage for manufacturers that conduct some of their business remotely. Customer Self Service, field service, remote access to reporting information and mobile analysis are just some of the functions possible with due to that fact that it’s 100% web based and the client device only needs Internet Explorer to access the ERP system,” according to Stephen Carson, Executive VP of Sales of Visibility Corporation.
Visibility Corporation ( is a leading developer and supplier of business software solutions designed for the unique needs of project-based, engineer-to-order and to-order manufacturers. Visibility's Enterprise Application solutions help midsize manufacturers of complex products operate their businesses effectively.
Carson joined Visibility Corporation in 2000 bringing more than 20 years of executive management experience spanning multiple, successful start-up and early stage companies to larger, established leaders in diverse markets including software tools, enterprise applications, database management systems and middle ware products in the software industry. is an integrated ERP solution and more. Offering unparalleled functionality and integrated workflow, this browser-based solution cost effectively delivers the power of .NET-based Web services for use with either a Microsoft SQL Server™ or Oracle® database. Conducting business any place, any time, any where is a reality, deployable with unprecedented flexibility.
Jaclyn Aldrich
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