Pulling Off A Winner Android Business App
As businesses revel in the app culture, mobile apps are gaining center stage. Of the average two hours and thirty eight minutes spent on smartphones and tablets, a good 80% comes from apps, while a modest 20% from mobile web browsing.

with over 50,000 device activations daily, Android business apps lead iPhone apps as the fastest growing app economy. What makes Android grow as big as this is a strong Google leverage coupled with the open source nature of its operating system. Moreover, businesses also find Android particularly suitable for putting out a whole range of business mobile apps to a large patronage.If you’re thinking of having an Android business app, here is how you can come out tops:1. Easy UI: Simple and easy—that’s how it goes with business apps! After all, a business app is meant to address specific consumer needs, and a neat, fluid interface goes a long way in achieving that. While gaming and entertainment apps come with rich graphical imagery, a business app is a horse of different color and needs more focus on serviceability than aesthetic richness.2. App Resistance: The one thing that can turn defunct any business app is flawed functionality. Nothing ruins user experience worse than a buggy, dysfunctional app, and this is something every Android mobile app developer must be weary of. Make sure your app is adequately tested and weighed up and any bugs or flaws are ironed out before launch.3. Liter apps: A small business may have a whole range of devices, from smartphone to tablets and phablets, as a part of its ecosystem. Not all of these devices would necessarily support apps that are too demanding. In general, apps which go easy on power and data find greater favor with users. Check out with your app developer on this and make sure your app has enough going into it to define its core functionality without being too hard on device resources.4. Google Integration: Most businesses make use of multiple Google services for information sharing and communications. Google maps, Drive, cloud storage, and email services are the most commonly accessed, and having such services integrated into your Android app gives the extra edge of connecting with a growing ‘Google Services ‘audience.5. Android app developers: The core to mobile app development is mapping a business efficiently across its niche market. An Android app developer that helps achieve that affordably and effectively is the one you should be looking at.This is where SDI’s mobile app development resources come in. Android developers at SDI turn out mobile application solutions defining core business objectives. We draw on our rich experience of having developed over 400 mobile apps for global clients. This enables us in our efforts to build productively, affordably, and with strong testing mechanisms.Professional expertise goes a long way into defining app success, and that is what drives us into delivering cutting edge Android apps tailored to meet practical business objectives. Visit www.softwaredevelopersindia.com or email team@sdi.la to hear back from us.