RV Air Conditioner Rentals
This article provides useful, detailed information about RV Air Conditioner Rentals.
or recreational vehicles, are used by many people when they wish to go traveling with all the comforts of home. RVs can have all the amenities that a deluxe hotel room has – a salon, a kitchen, a dinette, a plush toilet and bath; everything can be arranged for. Naturally, such vehicles also require temperature adjustments. Hence, there arises a need for air conditioning in RVs.
RVs are not permanent homes. People live in them while they are traveling and touring. For this reason, many travelers do not buy air conditioners for RVs, but prefer to rent them out. RV Air Conditioners can be rented at the same agencies where the RVs are rented out along with their other equipment.
There are two types of air conditioners that can be rented and used in RVs – one is the rooftop air conditioner, or a separate unit near the engine of the RV. The rooftop air conditioner is more useful for cooling the vehicle when it is parked. This type of air conditioner does not cool down the entire vehicle at once, but reduces its temperature step by step. Hence, the longer it is in use, the cooler the vehicle will get. Rooftop air conditioners are very efficient, but they add to the total height of the vehicle and that may be a problem in places where there are low-hanging objects.
The second type of RV Air Conditioner is more useful when the vehicle is in motion. This air conditioner can cool the engine and its components when they tend to get very hot.
RV Air Conditioners work only on alternating current, having a potential difference of 120 volts. It can be connected to either a public utility (when it is parked) or it can be connected to a generator. This makes a generator very useful when the vehicle is in motion. Companies that rent RV Air Conditioners also rent generators with them.
Prices for renting an RV Air Conditioner depend on the capacity required and the number of days for which it is to be rented.