Samsung Dual SIM Phones
Over the last years Samsung become one of the leading tech companies of the world, and this position comes to them because they know how to fulfill their customers’ requirements and enhance their user experience.
In the middle of the hard competence between smart phones brands one of the manufacturer that is outstanding from the other is Samsung. The South Korean company is performing a good marketing strategy by fulfilling the main requirements of its clients from all over the world. In contrast,

with other brands Samsung give to the consumers the chance to enjoy and enhance the user experience at the same time that introduces a bite of freedom to the performance of the device.
Most of the consumer are perceiving Samsung as a brand that takes in consideration the client's needs which seem as a good reference for the brand because over the last years there are a lot of complaints from consumer against the telecom firms concerning about the lack of innovation with new releases, always under a policy to control the market ignoring their client's preferences, which is a fact that Samsung know how to manage.
But the Samsung dual SIM phones doesn't have this feature as its main function, but also have qualities that enhance the user experience like its quad band connectivity, which is a good element for business people, helping them travel around their countries or even abroad without the risk of lost the signal of get out of service, and if to this, we add the fact of have two SIM cards we could realize that we will have an advantage in our pockets.
The design of the phones and way of functions is also an interesting element because it gives the chance to customize the functions in order to differentiate the using of the two SIM cards in the device avoiding create confusion and mismanaging the calls. Following this topic we could say that Samsung phones also are including entertainment functions like audio and video that allow their models to become the preferred phones in the market.
For these reasons is because the Samsung dual SIM phones become very popular over the last months, the fact of include the dual SIM in models like the Galaxy Note is a signal that the philosophy of the brand pursue its customer satisfaction or that the fact of just have more market control. Also, this brand is offering better prices than its competence and for the eyes of the consumer this is such a great thing that finally creates more benefits to the consumers and the brand.
We hope that this brand keeps that policy for the health of the market and also that the android software giving the chance to its owners to experiment with technology without restrictions. The dual SIM phones is a type of device that might result more useful for people who are constantly travel, and also is a smart phone that includes a pen drive that assist to its owner the create pictures and drawing in the device.
It results great to say that the design of some of the dual SIM phones of Samsung are and hybrid technology combining the tablet and smart phone functions.