Mobility is always the key to making Netronix’s reading devices the choice of ebook readers over the other brands available. Being able to provide a multi-purpose mobile reading device would give users of Netronix readers the right type of technology at the right time as we advance to being more 3G and faster pace.
With the advance technologies in digital reading devices, Netronix has kept pace and introduced updated android based eBook readers. There are currently three digital readers launched by Netronix that have been favorably accepted by the market. First the Eb600, otherwise called the Cookie, is a six inch screened device, is a slim lined reader that introduces the user to having a 3G experience on their device. This model is also integrated with wi-fi and Bluetooth and opens up the Netronix device as a communication portal.
Two other Netronix android readers recently launched are the PocketBook 360 and the PocketBook 301. These models with the aid of Texas Instruments also have 3G and 3.5G capabilities along with WWAN integration. These new prototype devices offers screen sizes ranging from 5.3 inches to six inches, they are lightweight and slim lined. The Netronix prototype also reads 12 eBook file types and would offer a more favorable reading experience.
The new Netronix readers will not only be able to handle 12 file formats but the Eb600 also has a wide range of languages to choose from and all have expandable memory card slots. They have a battery that allows users to read over 8,000 pages. The EB-500 will have a slide-out keyboard. Portability is always a big issue for anyone looking to invest in one of Netronix’s eBook readers. With the continued development of technology and the need for us all to have everything at our finger tips, reading devices have made access to books and information a lot easier.
Today’s busy society has become use to having information fast and at an easy reach, eBook readers are no exception. With the demand to be informed and well read eBooks were developed to give us access to information and books quickly and at any time that we needed them without taking up space. Digital books allow us the ability to have digital copies of books as opposed to a bulky hard copy that takes up valuable storage space and that we can only physically carry a few at a time with us when we travel. With these issues in mind digital books and readers along with other reading devices were developed.
Digital book readers are now the common way to read books and with the influx of more and more eBooks the need to actually go out and purchase a book is fast becoming a thing of the past. According to the article "How to Choose an e-Reader: 9 Important Factors", an eBook is nothing more than a digital file which is the same as the normal printed book except it’s just electronic and until the roll-out of the e-inc technology, eBooks were read through your PC or laptop (Digital Book Readers). Convenience, fast paced, active, flexible, easy access are all ways to describe the nature of today’s readers.
Being able to stay home, or in bed and purchase a book and be able to download it within seconds and start reading is one of the many reasons why these type of books are so popular. But having the right reader or reading device makes reading digital copies even more pleasurable. Imagine an eBook reader that will allow you to brows though your eBook faster and with more clarity all on a larger screen is what the new Netronix eBook reader is all about. But it is also light weight and compact that makes it easier to carry and use while on the move.
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