Before purchasing tempered glass screen protector make sure that you’re clear on what purpose does these screen guards serves. You can try tempered glass screen protector online shopping as well; here you’ll find some great deals and discounts on these mobile accessories.
When you buy an expensive phone, you want to make sure that you maintain it in tiptop condition; after all, you worked hard for it. Using screen protectors is one way that you can protect your device from scratches and fingerprints. But how about when you accidentally drop it or place heavy object(s) on it? Plastic screen protectors can only protect your phone from scratches, dust and fingerprints but it cannot do so when you drop it or place heavy objects on it.
Tempered glass screen protector
These screen guards are one of the best quality tempered glass screen protector and most demandable phone accessories that are popular because of the many advantages but primarily because they prevent the screen from cracking when dropped. Tempered glass is actual glass that is five times stronger than regular ones due to the way they were formed.
Glass is heated at high temperatures and cooled down quickly thus making it stronger than the average glass. Due to the way it was manufactured, tempered glass shatters into small circle-like shapes instead of the sharp jagged edges that ordinary glass is known for. This makes it safer for users to pick up their phone(s) and use it without worry. Another advantage with these glass types is that it is heat-resistant. Thanks to the way it was manufactured, it can stand heat induced stresses and damages.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Like any other accessories, there are advantages and disadvantages of using glass protectors. Shock and heat resistance are just two benefits of using glass. Another advantage would be that it is also more scratch resistant than plastic ones. Those cheap tempered glass screen protector doesn’t last very long and its quality decreases with time. Last but not the least is the fact that since it is made of glass like the phone's screen, it is as if one is actually looking at the original screen than through another medium. Scratches can accumulate over time with plastic ones thus making the screen appear blurry to the viewer. Dust can also slip in from the edges and if you weren't able to lay the plastic on the screen bed well, it is most likely that it also has air bubbles in between the phone and the protector.
One disadvantage of glass protectors is its thickness. The thickness is around 0.3 mm to 0.5 mm making it bulky for some users and also it creates some issues if you’ve handmade mobile cover or any other mobile cover installed on it. Some users feel that the protector bulges a bit more thus making it more of an aesthetic problem. Another would be the price that one has to pay. It is five times more expensive than plastic covers; however, the price is justified especially considering the protection that one would receive. The cost of replacing a cracked screen is also costly; that said, it is best to invest in one that will give you more benefit than buying a cheaper one but would likely cost you ten times more when you have to replace the cracked screen.
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A witty sense of humor and a love for technology and gadgets is what gives me a push write blogs and articles on mobile accessory and other such handy gadgets and products that are delight for a person who loves technology.How tempered glass screen protector is helpful for mobile?
A witty sense of humor and a love for technology and gadgets is what gives me a push write blogs and articles on mobile accessory and other such handy gadgets and products that are delight for a person who loves technology. I do not advocate or preach a particular product or brand; these are opinions and viewpoints shared with the sole purpose of reviewing and sharing information on products and technologies that I feel are most popular or most useful.Guidelines to Wear Cervical Collar
If you have already purchased cervical collar or planning to buy cervical collar online then be sure to follow these below mentioned guidelines that will help you in using collar properly.