Top configuration of every pocket watch

Jan 10




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Begin by noticing how to develop the hardware, and then proceed to see how to take advantage of this design, explaining each of the routines needed to transform that pile of components into something useful.


Get to know how to create your own pocket watch circuit. The best is at your hands! This is extremely interesting. The first step before starting to use the input or output pin is configured correctly. This is a very simple,Top configuration of every pocket watch Articles and does not require much explanation.

The first 8 bits sent to the shift will register everything and will be responsible for determining the pocket watch lighting of the display segments of the Left (tens of hours). The next 8 bits control the units of hours, the 8 that follow will manage the display showing the tens of minutes, and the last 8 bits determine the contents of the display that shows the units of the minutes. This means that if we wanted to show "23:15" on the display, we should first send the data "2", then the "3", the "1" and finally for the "5".

Try to find the best way to create a majestic model. The more you search, the better it is. Do not fall for low quality materials. Seek for guidance and download as many tutorials as you wish. In case you did not know, these models were considered a precious gem. Back then, French people began to buy plenty of pocket watches. You can now have the chance to buy a modern style, opt for a vintage model or even perform your own.

Back to the procedure, to know about the content that we send to represent each digit, it is necessary that we clearly present how 74HC164N integrated circuits are connected to the displays. In addition, the hardware description of this project, the display of the hours and minutes are made using four 7-segment display common cathodes. This means that to turn one of its segments must provide power to the corresponding pin of each module. To avoid using multiple PIC16F628A microcontroller pins selected as "brain" of the project to control this display, we used a shift register composed of 4 integrated circuits 74HC164N. Each is responsible for the control of the 7 pocket watch segments and a decimal point display.

Do not panic because this is not as complex as it appears. Take it step by step and if anything, buy patterns. The many models will surprise you. If you are buying one for the art or fun of it, then you can stick to basics. But, if you are serious about creating your own circuit, you need to gather information. Focus in a detailed manner and get going. The best pocket watch will be created in no time!

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