Develop Mobile Optimized Sites for Better Visibility and Wider Audience
Now a days you can see everyone is using smartphone and it seem as though everyone you see is tapping away on a smart phone, iPad, tablet or e-reader?? Studies show that a high percentage of internet users are accessing websites through mobile devices and that means you need mobile optimized sites.
Look around does it seem as though everyone you see is tapping away on a smart phone,

iPad, tablet, or e-reader? Studies show that a high percentage of internet users are accessing websites through mobile devices, and that means you need mobile optimized sites, if it's not already the case. If you don't have good mobile site development practices in place, you could be losing users and revenue. And while you're making sure your site is optimized for mobile devices, consider whether iPhone apps development also makes sense for you.What type of devices are your users carrying? The good news is, unless you're looking specifically into iPhone apps development or apps for other platforms, it doesn't really matter what devices your target audience is using. Mobile optimized sites aren't platform-specific as long as users have access to the internet through their wireless network, they'll be able to access your site. So if you work with a firm that has developers with mobile site development expertise, your website will be available to all your users.Mobile optimized sites are generally simpler than traditional websites—they have to be, since they're being viewed on a much smaller screen. Simpler normally also means faster, which is good for mobile device users. Their connections may not be as fast as a regular internet connection. Mobile site development creates a site that is easy to navigate, with ample space between links or buttons to allow for taps rather than mouse clicks. A site that's optimized for user on a mobile device should have features that are heavily prioritized; with quick and easy access to the content your users need the most.Speaking of content, when you're creating content as part of the mobile site development process, keep in mind that it should be concise. A small screen is not the place for lengthy descriptions of your products or services! Let images speak for you when possible.Something else to consider with mobile optimized sites is how users well, use them. Many sites have features such as click to call, maps that work with mapping apps, interface with Facebook, Twitter or other social media. Make your site easy for your users to navigate, user, and share with friends. You'll want to avoid certain functions; for example, Flash videos don't play on iPhones or iPads.There are literally dozens of things to consider in creating mobile optimized sites, but the main thing is to keep it simple and give your users the content they need most, in an easy-to-access way. Think about those sites you've visited on your mobile device. What was good about them? What wasn't? Create a site you'd want to use based on your own experiences.