Photoshop offers lots of drawing, illustrating and imaging tools for a web designer to take advantage of. In this tutorial, we will be given an opportunity to learn how to use the Pen Tool for tracing images in your computer and apply them to create a vector graphics effect by tracing.
Everyone of us knows that CorelDraw is the software program for creating vector graphics. However, with the Photoshop’s Pen Tool, you can create paths over an image and create an equally passable vector graphics that’s lifelike. Pen Tool can do it for you by creating a power-packed modern tracing effect.
Preparing to start? First of all, choose an image you would like to trace vectors in. Any image you like would be applicable. You can even grab it from either gogle or a stock image CD. But, as a beginner, it’s best to pick something that has a face in it or an animal’s head. With this kind of image, the experiment won’t get too complicated for you comprehend. Scale down large images that you have chosen to more workable proportions.
The second step is to choose your palette. Move your picture into the center of the canvas and zoom in about 200% - 300%. After adjusting your zoom view, pick out the darkest color in your image. With the use of the Eyedropper tool select the darkest color for your palette.
Then, make a new layer on the image, use the Pen Tool to trace carefully around the outside of the image’s shape. Don’t limit yourself in using lines or mouse clicks to trace the shape. In the end, the number of lines you used would enhance variations to the finished work.
Now for the fourth step, once you’ve had your outline, select the Paths tab, right click the Work Path and select Make Selection. When you have designated a Selection for your shape, fill it with the color you picked out for your palette.
When you have completely colored the main shape, apply the procedures from step 4 to all the main shapes in your image. If you have an image with a face or head, it is best to start with the eyes and proceed to work outwards – from eyes to nose, to mouth, ears and so on until you have completely traced the whole image.
Once you have finished tracing , you should eventaully come up with a graphics that somewhat akin to vectors. You can also experiment a little with your traced vector – like placing a background behind it. You’re creative spirtis would find this easy and satisfying enough.
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